Two Gentlemen of Verona
Read the following extracts and answer the
“Nicola, the way you and Jacopo work, you must earn quite a bit. You spend
nothing on clothes. You eat little enough ....’’
(a) Who
said the above lines?
Ans: These lines are spoken by
the narrator.
(b) Why did the speaker get the feeling that the boys were not spending
any money?
Ans: The boys were always seen
wearing torn clothes and they seemed to eat hardly anything except black bread and
(c) What
do the above lines reflect about the two boys?
Ans : The boys were of sacrificing
nature and they cared very deeply for their sister. Her well-being was their sole
2. I had
already told Luigi he might take the day off.
However I answered, “I’ll drive you out myself.”
However I answered, “I’ll drive you out myself.”
(a) Who
was Luigi?
Ans : He was the driver of the
(b) Why
did the speaker offer to drive himself?
Ans : Luigi had been granted a
holiday and the narrator did not wish to recall him and as a last gesture of
good will he offered to drive himself.
Where did the boys wish to go?
Ans : The boys wished to go to Polenta,
30 km away, to look up their sister.
3. When
the war was over and we had peace at last, they come back to their beloved
sister. And they found her ....
Identify ‘they’.
: ‘They’ refers to
the brothers – Nicola and Jacopo.
(b) Who
is the beloved sister?
Ans : Lucia is the boys’ sister
who had not been keeping well.
(c) In what condition did they find their sister?
: The brothers
found that their sister had contracted tuberculosis of the spine.
4. “Of
course, everything is so difficult now, food so scarce and dear we could not
keep going unless we charged a fee.”
(a) Who
is the speaker and who is the listener?
Ans : The speaker is the nurse,
and the listener is the narrator.
(b) Why
was food so expensive?
Ans : Due to war waged by Germany,
starvation had resulted.
(c) For
what purpose does the speaker need to charge a fee?
: Luica had contracted
TB, so money was needed or her medical expenses.
5. “They
couldn’t do it better,” I agreed.
(a) Who
is ‘I’ and who are ‘they’?
Ans : ‘I’ is the narrator, and
‘they’ refers to Nicola and Jacopo.
(b) What
great thing had the above mentioned people done?
Ans : The determination of the
brothers to do so many jobs to provide for their sister.
(c) Do
you think the speaker is earnest in his saying?
Ans : The speaker is sincere and
full of admiration for the boys.
6. ‘When the resistance movement began secretly to form they were among
the first to join. When the war was over and we had peace at last, they came
back to their beloved sister.’(a) Who are the “they” referred to here?
Ans : Here ‘they’ refers to the two brothers, Nicola and Jacopo.
Ans : Here ‘they’ refers to the two brothers, Nicola and Jacopo.
(b) Why did they join the resistance movement?
Ans : They joined the resistance movement because the war waged by
Germany had killed their father, destroyed their house and had separated them
from their
(c) What had happened to their sister?
Ans : Their sister, Lucia, who wanted to be a singer, had contracted
tuberculosis of the spine due to cold and starvation.
7. What did the narrator discover regarding the family background of the two boys? How did the war affect their family?
Ans. The nurse, who was looking after Lucia, told the narrator the entire
story of the two boys. All the three children belonged to a prosperous family
and Lucia was training to be a singer. The war waged by Germany killed their
father, their house was destroyed by a bomb and the boys were separated from
their sister. Due to neglect, Lucia contracted T.B.
8. The nurse said regarding the two boys, “I don’t know what they do, I
don’t ask. Work is scarce in Verona.” What does this remark reflect upon the
Ans. The nurse was very surprised how the boys managed to bring in
sufficient money for the treatment of their sister, when work was scarce in the
city. The nurse had no idea how hard the
boys worked and how they tried to pitch in for all kinds of work that was
available. The comment reveals that even the nurse respected the privacy of the
boys and wanted to retain their dignity by not prodding
9. Why didn’t the two boys disclose their problems to the author?
Ans. The boys were working hard to provide all possible help to their sister,Lucia, who was suffering from tuberculosis of the spine. They did not disclose their
problems to the author as they wished to retain their pride and dignity. They did not want their private suffering to be made public.
10. What traits of the boys attracted the narrator to them? How were the children helpful to the narrator?
Ans. The narrator was attracted towards the boys due to the zest and
willingness, demonstrated by them for undertaking all kind of work. The boys were
also very
eager to provide all kinds of comfort to the author. They were always at beck and call of the author.
eager to provide all kinds of comfort to the author. They were always at beck and call of the author.
11. What were the hardships faced by
Nicola and Jacop?
Ans. The children’s father had died in the war, waged by Germany. A bomb
had destroyed their house, their sister had contracted tuberculosis due to cold
and starvation. The two boys worked day in and day out, took every possible job,
starved themselves to provide for their sister’s treatment and built, from the rubble
of their house, a shelter for themselves.
12. What provoked the author’s interest in the two boys of Verona?
Ans. The author found the zest and willingness of the boys for
undertaking all kind of work—selling strawberries, polishing shoes, taking
tourists round the city — remarkable. The author found the boys to be very
innocent and friendly.
13. How did Luigi show his disapproval on seeing the two boys and why?
Ans. When the author and his companion Luigi saw the boys selling strawberries, they were shabbily dressed. Luigi disapproved of them due to their skinny and shabby appearance and cautioned the author against purchasing the fruit since better quality strawberries could be procured from the market.
Ans. When the author and his companion Luigi saw the boys selling strawberries, they were shabbily dressed. Luigi disapproved of them due to their skinny and shabby appearance and cautioned the author against purchasing the fruit since better quality strawberries could be procured from the market.
Q 1. A life of struggle and
misfortunes can become a smoother one with a cheerful countenance and a
positive attitude. Justify the statement in the context of ‘Two Gentlemen of
Q 2.What do you think would
have happened to the siblings if Nicola and Jacopo did not believe in the
dignity of labour ?
Q3. How does the story ‘Two
Gentlemen of Verona’ promise a hope for the society?
-Nicola and Jacopo faced all
that life offered – signals that good people still exist- their faith in hard
work, gentle manly behaviour and never say no attitude made them different. Exhibits-sincerity, devotion and willingness
to do any odd job. Even war couldn’t break their spirit. Hope about the future
of humanity- about people- belief that goodness does exist.
Practice Questions
answer type
What errands did Nicola and Jacopo do to earn their living? (2012)
What made the two boys join in the resistance movement?
was Nicola annoyed when Jacopo asked the author for a favour?
Why were the author and his friend attracted towards the two boys? (2015)
Long Answer (Value based)
1. The boys’ sacrifice, their
sincerity and devotion, the cause and the maturity they displayed in tier
actions give a new hope to humanity. Explain
2. A true gentleman is one who
does great deeds and possesses nobility and magnanimity of heart. Elaborate
3. Tough situations bring out
our hidden qualities and talents. Explain.
Reference to the context.
Read the following extracts and answer the question
that follow.
1. “All right,” I smiled. “You take us along”.
a) where did the author want
the two boys to take him?
b) what made the author and
his friends hire the two boys?
c) Which words best replace
‘take us along’?
2. Nicola sat upright, tried. A bundle of unsold
newspapers lay at his feet. Jacopo, his head resting upon his brother’s
shoulder, was asleep.
a) what time of
the day was it?
b) what do the words ‘sitting
upright suggest? Does it means one can sit upside down too?
c) why were they carrying
newspapers with them?
3.I could scarcely believe my eyes and before I could
recover breath my two passengers had leaped from the car.
a) who are the two passengers?
b) what movement to the word
‘leap’ suggest here?
c) why could the speaker
scarcely believe his eyes?
4. For my part, I did not say a word- I knew they would
prefer to feel that they had safely kept their secret.
a) which word in the text best
replaces the word ‘utter’?
b) who had divulged the secret
to the author?
c) what was the secret?
Packeltide’s Tiger
Read the
following passages taken from ‘Mrs. Packletides Tiger’ and answer the given
1. ‘Mrs.
Packletide had already arranged in her mind the lunch she would give at her
house in Curzon Street, ostensibly in Loona Bimberton’s
with the tiger-skin rug occupying most of the foreground and all of the
(a) What
was the real intention of Mrs. Packletide in hosting the lunch?
Packletide wanted to show off her exploits at the tiger hunt and make Loona Bimberton Jealous of her
(b) Why
was Loona Bimberton being honoured by the press?
Loona Bimberton
had travelled eleven miles in an airplane flown by an Algerian pilot.
(c) What
did she intend to gift Loona on her birthday?
intended to gift a tiger claw brooch to Loona.
2. ‘The
prospect of earning thousand rupees had stimulated the sporting and commercial
instinct of the villagers.’
(a) What
had stimulated the sporting and commercial instinct of the villagers?
thought of getting thousand rupees if they helped Mrs. Packletide in hunting a
tiger, had stimulated the sporting and commercial instinct of the villagers.
(b) What
were the two fears that the villagers had regarding the hunt?
the villagers were afraid that the tiger may wander off to another
village and secondly, that he may die before the hunt.
(c) Why
did Mrs. Packletide want to hunt a tiger?
Packletide wanted to outdo the achievements of her rival, Loona Bimberton.
‘Mother’s carrying their babies home through the jungle after the day’s work in
the fields hushed their singing lest they might curtail the restful sleep of
the venerable herd-robber.’
(a) Who
does the phrase ‘venerable herd robber’ refers to? What is the literary device
used in the phrase?
Ans.- The
phrase refers to the tiger. It is an oxymoron.
(b) What
is the tone of the writer in the line?
Ans.– The
tone of the writer is humorous.
(C) What
does the writer want to highlight in these lines?
Ans.– The
writer wants to highlight the ridiculous lengths to which the villagers were
ready to go to ensure that the tiger stayed in the village till the hunt.
4- ‘With
an accurately sighted rifle and a thumbnail pack of patience cards the sportswoman awaited the
coming of the quarry.’
(a) who
is the sportswoman and what is her quarry?
Ans.– The
Sportswoman Is Mrs. Packletide and her quarry is the tiger.
(b) What
are the arrangement that have been made for the person?
Ans.- A
safe platform has been made on a tree, a goat has been tethered to a tree, a rifle has been
sighted for her and she has a pack of cards to pass the time
(c) What
does the mention of the cards tell us about the nature of the activity being
undertaken by the woman?
Ans. –
Mrs. Packletide is taking the hunt in a very light hearted manner after
ensuring that it was free from any kind of risk.
5. ‘.. .
The villagers anxious for their thousand rupees, gladly connived at the action that she
had shot the beast’
(a) What
is the ‘action’ being referred to in these lines?
Ans. – It
refers to the fact that the truth was something else altogether.
(b) What
was the truth?
Ans. –
The truth was that the tiger had actually died of a heart attack and had not
been shot by Mrs. Packletide.
(c) Who
had discovered the truth?
Ans. –
Louisa Mebbin, the paid companion of Mrs. Packletide had discovered the truth.
6. ‘As
for Loona Bimberton she refused to look at an illustrated paper for weeks.’
(a) Why
did Loona refuse to look at a paper?
Ans. –
Loona refused to do so because it carried the news of Mrs. Packletide’s tiger
(b) How
did the news in the paper affect her?
Ans. –
Loona Bimberton was consumed with jealousy and did not attend the luncheon
party thrown by Mrs..Packletide.
(c) Why
did it affect her in this way?
Ans. – It
affected Loona Bimberton badly because Mrs. Packletide had managed to
outshine her achievement.
7. ‘How
amused everyone would be if they knew what really happened.’
(a) Who
said this to whom?
Ans. –
Louisa Mebbin said these lines to Mrs. Packletide.
(b) What
is the speaker trying to say?
Ans. –
The speaker Louisa Mebbin here means to convey that she would reveal the truth
about the hunt.
(C) What
was the tone of the speaker?
Ans. –
The tone was threatening. Louisa Mebbin was trying to blackmail Mrs. Packletide
8. ‘Mrs.
Packletide indulges in no more big-game shooting. ‘The incidental expenses’ are
(a) Why
had Mrs. Packletide tried to hunt a tiger?
Ans. –
Mrs. Packletide wanted to outshine her rival LoonaBimberton’s achievement of
having flown in an airplane, by hunting a tiger.
(b) Why
was she no longer interested in shooting?
Ans. –
Mrs. Packletide was no longer interested in shooting as the hunt had proved to
be very expensive to her. Not only did she have to pay the villagers, but her
companion too.
(c) What
does she mean by incidental expenses’?
Ans. – Mrs.
Packletide means the expenses that she had to undergo, to buy the silence of
her companion Louisa Mebbin who had threatened to reveal the truth about the
hunt to her rival LoonaBimberton.
9. “It
was Mrs. Packletide’s pleasure and intention that she should shoot a tiger. Not
that the lust to kill had suddenly descended on her, or
that she
felt that she would leave India safer and more than she had found it.”
(a) What
was the real intention of Mrs. Packletide when she expressed her desire to
shoot a tiger?
Ans. The
real intention of Mrs. Packletide behind shooting the tiger was to defame Loona
(b) How
does she want to leave India?
Ans. She
wants to leave India with a name.
(c) What
do you mean by the phrase ‘descended on’?
Ans. It
means to make a sudden visit.
10. “In a
world that is supposed to be chiefly swayed by hunger and by love Mrs. Packletide was an
exception; her moments and motives were largely governed by dislike for Loona Bimberton.”
(a) How
was Mrs. Packletide’s behaviour different from others?
Ans. Mrs.
Packietide’s behaviour was different from others in the sense while others are swayed by hunger and by love;
this lady was content with just her dislike for Loona Bimberton.
Towards whom were her motives targeted against?
Ans. All
her motives were targeted against LoonaBimberton.
(c) What
do you mean by the words ‘swayed by’ here?
Ans. Here
it means ‘rule over’.
“Mothers carrying their babies through the jungle after the day’s work in the fields hushed
their singing lest they might curtail the restful sleep of the venerable
(a) Why
did the mother hush singing to their babies?
Mothers hushed singing to their babies so that the tiger should not wake
(b) What
does the expression ‘venerable herd-robber’ mean and for whom is this
expression used?
Ans. The
expression is used for the tiger. The animal is respectable and is to be
dreaded because it kills herds of animals.
(c) Which
figure of speech is used in this expression?
Ans. The figure of speech
used here is oxymoron.
12. “With
an accurately sighted rifle and a thumbnail pack of patience
cards the
sportswoman awaited the coming of the quarry.”
(a) Who
are the sportswomen referred to here?
Ans. The
sportswomen referred to here are Mrs. Packletide and Louisa Mebbin.
(b) Where
are the women at this moment?
Ans. The
women right now are sitting on the platform erected on the tree from where they
would aim at the tiger.
(c) What
do you mean by ‘thumbnail pack of patience’ What does it indicate here?
means ‘great patience’. It indicates that as they had to wait long for the
tiger, hence they kept the cards to pass time.
13. “And
their triumph and rejoicing found a ready echo in the heart of Mrs. Packletide;
already that luncheon-party in Curzon Street seemed immeasurably nearer.”
(a) Who
is rejoicing in these lines?
Ans. The
natives of the village are rejoicing here.
(b) What
do you mean by ‘triumph and rejoice’? Why are they triumphing and rejoicing?
‘Triumph’ means ‘victory’ and ‘rejoice’ means ‘feel great joy’. They are
triumphing and rejoicing as Mrs. Packletide has shot the tiger to death.
(c) What
are Mrs. Packletide’s plans for luncheon party?
Ans. Mrs.
Packletide plans to arrange a dinner in the honour of Loona Bimberton and send
her a gift.
“Circumstances proved propitious”
(a) What
circumstances is referred to here?
Ans. The
circumstance is of Mrs. Packletidefinding an opportunity to
shoot a tiger.
(b) How
did the circumstances prove propitious?
Circumstances proved propitious as Mrs. Packletide got in touch with the
natives of a village who assured her that they would find her a
tiger that could be shot at without much risk or exertion.
(c) What
does the word ‘propitious’ mean?
Ans. It
means favourable.
15. “The
compelling motive for her sudden deviation towards the footsteps of Nimrod was
the fact that LoonaBimberton had recently been carried eleven miles in an
(a) For
whom is the pronoun ‘her’ used in this context?
Ans. It
is used for Mrs. Packletide.
(b) What
do you mean by ‘sudden deviation’?
Ans. The
sudden deviation here means Mrs. Packletide’s sudden interest or inclination to
shoot a tiger.
(c) Who
is Nimrod and why is his reference made here?
Nimrod is a biblical character, great grandson of Noah who was a mighty hunter.
The reference to his character is made here because Mrs. Packletide too wanted
to follow him. She had plans of hunting a tiger.
16. “It’s
a very old tiger. It couldn’t spring u here even if it wanted to.”
(a) Who
is the speaker?
Ans. Mrs.
Packletide is the speaker here.
(b) What
light does this remark throw on the character of the speaker?
Ans. This
remark shows that Mrs. Packletide was very cool and casual while sitting on the
platform to shoot a tiger. We feel sorry for her petty,
nature as she wants to purchase everything in this world with money. She
doesn’t want to experience the actual excitement of hunting.
(c) What
do you mean by the phrase ‘spring up’?
Ans. It
means Come into being or appear.
17. “In a
moment a crowd of excited natives had swarmed on the scene, and their shouting
speedily carried the glad news to the village… .“
(a) What
scene is referred to here?
Ans. The
venue which was decided for the shoot where a platform had been erected for the
ladies to shoot at and a goat tethered at a considerable distance.
(b) What
is the glad news?
Ans. The
glad news is that Mrs. Packletide has shot the tiger to death.
(c) What
do you mean by the phrase ‘swarm on’ here?
Ans. It
means crowded or infested with.
18. “The
incidental expenses are heavy.”
(a) Who
is the speaker and who is he/she speaking to?
Ans. Mrs.
Packletide is the speaker and she is talking to some inquiring friends.
(b) What
makes the speaker give this remark?
Ans. The
speaker has been blackmailed by her ‘paid companion’. The expenses incurred on
achieving fame did not appear to have made any difference to Mrs. Packletide.
But the secondary expenses which she had to pay in order to maintain her fame
intact has compelled her to give this remark.
(c) What
do you mean by ‘incidental expenses’?
Ans. It
means ‘the secondary uninvited expenditures’.
Q.19.In a world, that is supposed to be chiefly swayed by hunger and by love, Mrs. Packletide was an exception, her
movements and motive were largely governed by dislike of Loona Bimberton.
a) How is the world chiefly swayed by ?
Ans.(a) This world is swayed by hunger and love.
(b) How was Mrs. Packletide an exception ?
Ans. She was neither swayed by
love nor by hunger.
(c) How was Mrs. Packletidegoverned ?
Ans.All movements and motives of Mrs. Packletide were mostly governed by
her dislike of LoonaBimberton.
20.’Evidently, the wrong animal had been hit and the beast of prey had
succumbed to heart-failure….’.
(a) What did Mrs. Packletide
wanted to kill and why ?
(b) How did the two animals die ?
(c) How did Miss Louisa Mebbin take advantage of this situation ?
Ans. (a) Mrs. Packletide wished to shoot a tiger and get her pictures
published. This was to prove herself superior to LoonaBimberton who had
recently obtained a tiger-skin and couldn’t stop boasting about it.
(b) The goat died of the gun
shot. The tiger merely died of a heart failure caused by the sound of the gun shot.
(c) Louisa Mebbin blackmailed Mrs. Packletide into buying her the
weekend cottage or else she would tell LoonaBimberton that it was not the tiger
but a mere goat that Mrs. Packletide had shot.
Q21. Miss Mebbin had a protective elder sister like attitude towards
(a) Who was Miss Mebbin ?
(b) How did she adopt an elder sister like attitude ?
(c) How did she prove in the end that she was a money-minded lady ?
Ans. (a) Miss Mebbin was a paid companion of Mrs. Packletide.
(b) She was money-minded and saved each and every penny given to her as
tips in same Moscow hotel.
(c) She blackmailed Mrs. Packletide and forced her to buy a cottage for
Q21. How amused everyone would be if they knew what really happened ?
(a) Who is the speaker ?
(b) What had really happened ?
(c) Why would everyone be amused ?
Ans. (a) Miss Mebbin is the speaker.
(b) Mrs. Packletide had shot the goat and not the tiger which had died
of a heart-attack.
(c) Everyone would be amused as they thought that Mrs. Packletide had
killed the tiger which in reality she had not.
Q21. “How you shot the goat and frightened the tiger to death”, said
Miss Mebbin, with her disagreeably
pleasant laugh.
(a) In the above statement, Miss Mebbin is making fun of Mrs.
Packletide. Why ?
(b) What characteristic of Miss Mebbin is highlighted in the above
extract ?
(c) How did the tiger die ?
Ans. (a) Because Mrs. Packletide had missed her aim and had not killed
the tiger.
(b) She is insensitive and an opportunist.
(c) The tiger probably died of a heart failure.
Q22. Mrs. Packletide indulges in no more big game shooting.
“The incidental expenses are so heavy”, she confides to enquiring friends.
(a) Why did Mrs. Packletide indulge in big-game hunting ?
(b) Why did she want to give up big-game hunting ?
(c) How did the incidental expenses become heavy ?
Ans.(a) She wanted to outdo her rival LoonaBimberton’s feat of obtaining
a tiger skin.
(b) She did so as the incidental expenses involved were very high.
(c) She was blackmailed to buy a weekend cottage for Miss Mebbin.
Q23.”And for LoonaBimberton, she refused to look at an illustrated paper
for weeks and her letter of
thanks for the gift of a tiger-claw brooch was a model of repressed
(a) Loona didn’t look at papers for .weeks because
(b) Who gave her the gift ?
(c) Her emotions were repressed because
Ans. (a) they praised Mrs. Packletide.
(b) Mrs. Packletide gave her the gift.
(c) she was jealous of Mrs. Packletide.
Q24. “Now, Now” urged Miss Mebbin with some excitement.
(a) What is she excited about ?
(b) What nature of Miss Mebbin is brought out through this line ?
(c) Where is Miss Mebbin when she speaks this lines ?
Ans. (a) She is excited about the money that would be gained.
(b) These lines show that she tried to take advantage of every
(c) Miss Mebbin is with Mrs. Packletide, ready to kill a tiger.
Q25. “The luncheon party she declined; there are limits beyond which
repressed emotions become dangerous
(a) ‘She’ referred to here is
(b) The luncheon party mentioned here was the one
(c) The party was held
Ans. (a) LoonaBimberton.
(b) given in the honour of Mrs. LoonaBimberton.
(c) to celebrate Mrs. Packletide’s achievement.
Short Answer Type Questions (2 marks
Q. 1. Why did Mrs. Packletide give up
big-game shooting ?
Ans. Mrs. Packletide gave up big-game
shooting as she found it to be an affair where incidental expenses’ were heavy.
She had to pay a lot in the tiger-killing also as Miss Mebbin blackmailed her
into paying for a weekend cottage. Apart from this, she had to pay the
villagers also for helping her in the killing of animal.
Q. 2. How does Louisa Mebbin exploit the
incident of killing the tiger to her greatest advantage?
Ans. LousiaMebbin is the paid companion
of Mrs. Packletide. She has an elder sisterly attitude towards money. When she
notice that it is the goat and not the tiger which has been killed by Mrs.
Packletide’s gun shot, she blackmails her into buying a weekend cottage at Darking
otherwise she suggests of informing LoonaBimberton about it.
Q. 3. How did Miss Louisa Mebbin blackmail Mrs. Packletide ?
Ans. She blackmailed her into buying her a weekend cottage otherwise she
would have told Loona Bimberton the truth that it was not the tiger but a mere
goat that Mrs. Packletide had shot.
Q. 4. What had Mrs. Packletide already arranged in her mind for
Ans. She had arranged a luncheon party in her mind. Actually, her
purpose was to show her and
others the skin rug of the tiger, she had killed. She had also designed
a tiger-claw brooch which she wanted to gift LoonaBimberton on her birthday.
Q. 5. Mrs. Packletide was a good shot. Discuss.
Ans. Mrs. Packletide was not a professional hunter. When she took her
shot, it wounded and killed the goat. The tiger suffered a heart-failure and
died. She missed her shot but was able to annoy Loona Bimberton.
Q. 6. Why did Mrs. Packletide decide to give a party in honour of Loona Bimberton
? What did she plan to present Loona on her birthday?
Ans. Mrs. Packletide’s only aim in life was to surpass LoonaBimberton,
who was very popular for her adventurous and exciting deeds. By giving a party
in her honour, Mrs. Packletide wanted to show her that she had done a more
adventurous and exciting thing by shooting a tiger. She even wanted to gift a
tiger claw brooch to Loona on her birthday just to outshine her.
Q. 7. What was Mrs. Packletide’s pleasure and intention? Why did she
decide to kill a tiger?
Ans. She loved showing off and to be mentioned in the magazines. She
drew pleasure in making others feel inferior and low. So, she decided to kill a
tiger in order to be in the limelight and also to make Loona feel small.
Q. 8. How did Louisa Mebbin manage to buy the pretty weekend cottage ?
Ans. Mrs. Packletide had killed the wrong animal and the tiger had died
of heart attack. Only Louisa Mebbin knew this. Every newspaper and magazine reported
the killing of the tiger and Mrs. Packletide did not deny it. Louisa found that
enough reason to blackmail her and that is how she bought the cottage.
Q. 9. Why were the villagers happy ?
Ans. The villagers were very happy at the prospect of winning a thousand
rupees. They posted boys at the outskirts, kept a goat as bait for the tiger
and mothers hushed their singing.
Q. 10. Do you think that Louisa Mebbin was devoted to Mrs. Packletide ?
Give reasons for your
Ans. No, she was not sincere and devoted because she threatened to
disclose the true facts of the hunt, if she had not paid the money that would
enable her to buy a cottage for herself.
Q. 11. “Mrs. Packletide indulges in no more big game shooting.” What put
her off from going on further hunts ?
Ans. She had realized that shooting was an expensive affair after she
was blackmailed by her friend and made to pay for her cottage apart from having
to pay the villagers for helping her.
Q. 12. What did Mrs. Packletide carry with her when she went to hunt a
tiger and why ?
Ans. When Mrs. Packletide went to hunt a tiger, she carried a fully
loaded rifle and a pack of patience cards for her safety and the
others to pass the time.
Q. 13. What were the villagers worried about in the lesson ‘Mrs.
Packletide’s Tiger’?
Ans. They were worried that the weak, old tiger might die before the
arrival of the fixed date for the shooting and they would not be able
to earn a handsome amount of money.
Q. 14. Depict the instances of humour in ‘Mrs. Packletide’s Tiger’.
Ans. ‘Mrs. Packletide’s Tiger’ is full of witty remarks and Mrs.
Packletide was a good shot is one of them. She decided to kill a tiger but paid
one thousand rupees to the villagers to find a tiger who
is old and she would not have to work hard on it. Secondly, when she fired a shot, the bullet, instead of hitting the tiger, hit the goat. It
was her good luck that both the animals died but her shot was a missed shot.
Q. 15. “The incidental expenses are heavy”, she confides to inquiring friends. Who is the speaker ? What is she referring to
here ?
Ans. Mrs. Packletide is the speaker. Her paid companion Louisa Mebbin
knew that Packletide was unworthy of the honour received for having killed a
tiger. She feared that Mebbin would reveal the truth of the tiger’s death. She
had to please Mebbin who exploited the situation. The money spent on Mebbin is
referred to as incidental expenses.
Q. 16. How did the villagers react to the tiger’s death?
Ans. In a moment, a crowd of excited natives had swarmed on to the
scene, and they carried the glad news to the village, where a thumping of
tomtoms took up the chorus of triumph. And their triumph and rejoicing found a
ready echo in the heart of Mrs. Packletide.
Q. 17. Would you agree that Mrs. Packletide was jealous? Give reasons.
Ans. The following reasons show that she was jealous :
(i) Her compelling motive was the fact that Loona talked of nothing but
the personally procured tiger skin, she also wanted to get one.
(ii) She wanted to throw a party in Loona’s honour just to spite her and
get popularity for herself.
(iii) She competed with Loona by getting the attention of the press.
Q. 18. What preparation were made for the tiger shoot?
Ans. An old tiger was found for the tiger shoot. The villagers asked
women carrying baby to hush their singing lest the tiger should be disturbed of
its sleep. They left free the cheap
goats and also guarded the jungle so that the tiger may not stray way in search
of food. A platform was constructed on a tree and a goat was kept as a bait.
Mrs. Packletide Waited on the platform with a rifle
and a pack of cards.
Q. 19. What discovery annoyed Mrs. Packletide?
Ans. The discovery that she shot the wrong animal and the fact that the
old tiger died of heart-failure due to the sound of the gun upset Packletide.
Q. 20. How much money did Mrs. Packletide pay to the villagers? Why?
Ans. Jealous of Loona Bimberton, Mrs. Packletide decided to hunt a tiger
and send a tiger-claw brooch Loona Bimberton’s birthday. Since she was’ not a
good hunter, she wanted the hunting to go without any risk. So, she paid one
thousand rupees to the villagers to make arrangements for tiger hunt like finding an old tiger and not let it run away from that place.
Q. 21. Who was Miss Mebbin ? What was her relationship with Mrs.
Packletide ?
Ans. Miss Mebbin was a paid companion of Mrs. Packletide. She was not at
all devoted to her. She pretended to have a protective elder sister like
attitude towards Mrs. Packletide.
Long Answer Type Questions
Q. 1. Mrs. Packletide’s desire became a constant trouble for her.
Ans. Jealous of Loona Bimberton, Mrs. Packletide wished to embarrass
her. She wanted to outshine her by proving that she was more adventurous than
her rival Loona Bimberton who had been carried eleven miles in an aeroplane by
an Algerian pilot. In her wish to procure a tiger skin, she chose to shoot an
old tiger. However, having a poor aim she shot a goat rather than the tiger.
Mrs. Packletide achieved what she desired to prove her superiority over Loona Bimberton
and to be popular for her amazing feat. But this fulfilment came with a price. She had to buy an expensive cottage for Miss
Mebbin who threatened to expose her secret. Thus, her heart’s desire became a
constant trouble for her as Miss Mebbin could blackmail her further whenever
she wanted anything from her.
Q. 4. Write the character sketch of Mrs. Packletide.
Ans. Mrs. Packletide, as portrayed in the story, is a typical woman. She
is competitive, jealous, materialistic and vain. When LoonaBimberton tells her
about the personally procured tiger skin, she immediately decides to honour her
and present her a tiger-claw brooch. This incident points towards her
competitive and jealous nature. In order to hunt the tiger by all means, she
goes to the extent of offering one thousand rupees to the villagers for
shooting a tiger without any risk or exertion. In the end when she killed the
goat instead of the tiger, the paid companion, Louisa tries to blackmail her by
asking for a cottage which she does buy so that none comes to know the truth.
So, she is a worldly lady who cares more for her reputation than her money.
Q. 5. What comment did Miss Mebbin make after Mrs. Packletide had fired the shot? Why did she make this comment ? How did Mrs. Packletide
react to this comment?
Ans. Mrs. Packletidefired the shot,
it hit the goat ahdnbt the tiger. But both the goat and the tiger died the goat
from the bullet wound and the tiger due to the sound of bullet. He perhaps died
of heart-failure. Miss Mebbin was the first one to
note this and she told the same to Mrs. Packletide. Miss Mebbin was a very
shrewd and calculative lady. She had made up her mind to blackmail Mrs.
Packletide as she knew the lady would not like anyone else to know that the
tiger had died a natural death and not because of her bullet. Mrs. Packletide
bought a cottage for Miss Mebbin so that she kept quiet about all this.
Practice Question
Short Answers Type Questions
1.Louisa mebbin had a
protective elder-sister attitude towards money in general. How?(2013)
2. “I suppose we are in some
danger” said Miss Mebbin. What was the danger?
3.Why had the tiger turned
to eating of small animals?
4. Why did Mrs. Packletide
give up big-game shooting? (2014)
Long Answer (Value-based)
type questions
1. The author aims to create
a satire on the pretentious upper class Edwardian Society. Elaborate.
2. The pettiness of
characters and their hunger for publicity evoke laughter. Elaborate with
examples from the text.
3.A few years later Mrs.
Packletide writes a diary entry about her experience of killing the tiger. As
Mrs. Packletide, write this diary entry (2012)
4. Mrs. Mebbin feels
extremely elated at the way she exploited Mrs. Packletide and made her to pay a
huge sum as bribe. She takes a merry twinkle at her own cleverness and
expresses her delight in a diary entry. Write the diary entry on her behalf.
Who is the
What is the
poetic justice in the poem?
Ans: Ali
used to separate birds from their loved ones and the birds used to feel pain.
But now Ali is feeling the same pain of separation of his daughter.
Also the
postmaster used to make fun of Ali who was waiting to receive the letter from
his daughter. He used to be very rude with Ali. But now he understands and
feels the pain that Ali had for 5 years while he was waiting for his daughter’s
letter because his own daughter is ill and he is desperately waiting to hear
from her.
What does the
following phrase mean: a man with a face as sad and as inexpressive as a
pumpkin? What is the poetic device used here?
Ans: The
poetic device used here is simile. It means that he had no emotions,
expressions and feelings. There was absolutely nothing about him which was
outstanding or about which someone would talk about. There was nothing on his
face that would make someone happy either.
But with a
devout serenity born of hope and faith, he persevered and was always the first
to arrive.
What does
serenity, devout mean?
Ans: serenity means the state of being calm and
Devout means committed, devoted and dedicated.
Who is he? Where
does he arrive first?
Ans: He refers to Ali. At the post office.
Who was his
daughter and where is she now?
Ans: Ali’s daughter is Miriam and she was married to a
soldier. She now lives in the Punjab.
What lessons do
you learn from this chapter?
Ans: We
learn that we must not cause harm or disturb others. If we do that then one day
we will face the same pain that we caused to others.
6. Ali
displays qualities of love and patience. Give evience from the story to support
your statement(2011)
Ali an epitome of
love and patience
visit to post of office daily.
bore the taunts and insults of the post office employees
sat in the veranda from morning till evening
Gave his life’s savings to clerk Lakshmi Das.
7. What was the reason behind Ali’s change of
- Miriam
got married to a soldier in Punjab- realized the futility of life – realized
life is made up of love and the grief of separation is inescapable.
8. In the story ‘The Letter’ the postmaster called
Ali ‘a pest’. Do you find his comments justified? Explain. (2011)
irresponsible and indifferent attitude of those in power.
- should
have shown some sympathy- Ali visited daily - behaved so under the given temperament.
9. Describe the early morning scene, when Ali
visited the post office. (2013)
town was asleep, more due to the cold and biting wind- Ali walking to post
office with a tattered blanket- sounds of grinding mills, the screech of a
bird, singing of women, occasional barking of dogs.
10. Ali in the story, ‘The Letter’, is a lonely man.
How does the writer bring out his loneliness? (2016)
Ali lived all alone- Miriam married and left him-
passed his days at the post office- Walks the lonely way to the post office-
the whole town is wrapped in deathly silence. Realization of life – made up of
love and grief of separation.
11. “For now the postmaster understood Ali’s heart
and his very soul.” Explain.
- his daughter lay ill in another town –
anxious waiting- this anxiety and waiting a day helped him to realize Ali’s
waiting for five years- yearning for daughter’s letter.
Answer Type Questions
1. The Author
Dhumaketu carefully builds up an atmosphere of loneliness and grief in
the story ‘The Letter’. Bring out this element with instances from the text.
- The atmosphere of loneliness is built around the person – coachman
Ali.- The description of the morning as
he walks to the post office is highlight by loneliness.
- grief- some clerks playing practical joke on him. – Gave up hunting
realizing ‘bewildered terror of the
young partridges bereft of their parents.
- realized the world is made up of love and the grief of separation is
the Questions
Parents possess an unconditional love for their children whatever may be the
status be of or the economic condition. Elaborate.
2. A man has to repent for the sins he has committed. Elaborate.
Shady Plot
Reference to the context
1. And I had never found it
healthy......................he dunned me for a ghost.
a) Who was Jenkins?
b) Why did the author never contradicted Jenkins?
c) What is the meaning of the word ‘dunned’?
2. And when I got back to the office.......................... your
attention until just now?
a) Who is the speaker?
b) What was she ready for and why?
c) what is the meaning of the word ‘Drivelling’?
3. The ghost nodded,................. My wife was opening the door.
a) Why did the lady disappear in pieces?
b) What is the meaning of the word ‘brogans’?
c)Why had the lady ghost visited the author?
4.You know I bought the loveliest things................ the possibility
was too horrible.
a) who is the author talking about?
b) why did a chill creep up the back of the author’s neck?
c) what is the meaning of the word ‘premonitory’?
5. It had been all mysterious. ............................ the first
fiction I had written.
a) what had been mysterious?
b) why did the narrator say: ‘but they seemed to specialize in me’?
c) what is the meaning of the
word ‘mysterious’? I went home and sat down...................
began to wander off on to other things (2016)
a) who is I
b) what did I wait for ?
c) What does the phrase ‘wander off’ means?
Short Answer Type Questions
1. Why and how had Helen, and other ghosts been helping the narrator write ghost stories?
- Writers Inspiration Bureau
2. Why were the ghosts annoyed over the use of Ouija Board?
- Disturbed them frequently. – Lacked rest.
3. Why did John hesitate in playing the Ouija Board game?
-did not liked to play Ouija board.
- Ghost had told to get his friends and relative out of playing the
4. Why did the ghosts organize the ‘writer’s inspiration Bureau’? what
was their mode of working?
Long Answer Type Questions
1. The foundation of
any long-lasting relationship is trust. Comment on this statement with
reference to the character of Lavinia from the story A Shady Plot.Value Points
· Mutual trust key to a healthy relationship
· Helps prevent suspicion and discord
· Improves understanding
· Strengthens the bond
2. Traitor, traitor. “Why she says it’s you, Mr. Hallock. What does she mean? ….. Lavinia stopped and began to look at me through narrowed lids.
Do you think Lavinia is justified in basing her suspicions on the Ouija Board? Give reasons for your answer.
Value Points
Ø Superstitions are irrational and misleading
Ø No concrete evidence
Babu, Film Star
Read the following extracts and answer the questions
that follow:
1. ‘‘I hope the part calls for some dialogue?’’ ‘‘Certainly, it’s a
speaking part. You have acted before, haven’t you?’’
(a) Identify the two people exchanging the above dialogue.
(a) Identify the two people exchanging the above dialogue.
Ans: This dialogue is between
Naresh Dutt and Patol Babu.
(b) What reservations are
expressed by the first person? Why?
Ans : Patol Babu wishes to confirm if he has a speaking
(c) Do you believe the
information given by the second speaker is truthful? Why/Why not?
Ans : No, Patol Babu did not have any dialogue to speak. He
just has to utter one monosyllable ‘Oh!’
2. Patol Babu hadn’t expected such news at the start
of the day. That an offer to act in film would come to a 52 years old nonentity
like him was beyond his wildest dreams.
(a) Why didn’t Patol Babu expect such news?
Ans : He hadn’t got any acting
offers for the last 52 years for a film.
(b) Why did he consider himself a nonentity after
acting in theatre?
Ans : He was extremely modest and there was a large
gap of years between his theatre days and this offer.
(c) What was his reaction?
Ans : He was thrilled and very pleasantly surprised.
3. ‘‘Counting your chickens
again before they’re hatched, are you ? No wonder you could never make a go of
(a) Describe the context of
the above statement.
Ans : Patol’s wife believes that Patol Babu was too
happy prematurely.
(b) Why does the speaker use
the expression, “never make a go of it’’?
Ans : His wife believes that Patol Babu could not be
successful after so many years.
(c) Do you think that the
prediction made above proved to be true? Why/ Why not?
Ans : No, Patol Babu did perfectly the part he was
given to play, even if it was a tiny role.
4. ‘‘Is that so? Well, I
suggest you go and wait in the shade there. We have a few things to attend to
before we get going ?’’
(a) Who
is the speaker and the listener?
Ans : The
speaker is Naresh Dutt and the listener is Patol Babu.
(b) What is the context of
the above statement?
Ans : This is said when Patol Babu reports for
shooting at the set.
(c) What does the above
statement reflect about the speaker’s attitude?
Ans : The speaker is not much bothered about Patol
Babu’s arrival.
5. ‘‘As an artist your aim
should be to make the most of your opportunity and squeeze the last drop of
meaning out of your lines.’’
(a) Who was supposed to have said these lines and to whom?
(a) Who was supposed to have said these lines and to whom?
Ans : These lines were spoken by Gagon Pakrashi to
Patol Babu.
(b) Discuss the relevance of
the above statement in the given context?
Ans : Patol Babu is trying to derive inspiration from his
mentor’s advice.
(c) Do you think the
listener followed these instructions? How? To what extent?
Ans : Yes, Patol Babu perfected the little role he was given
after remembering his mentor’s words.
1. Who was Nishikanto Babu and what proposal did he
bring for Patol Babu?
Ans : Nishikanto Babu was Patol Babu’s neighbour and he brought a film offer
for Patol Babu. Nishikanto’s relative, Naresh Dutt was looking for someone like
Patol Babu for his film and Nishikanto had suggested Patol’s name.
2. This kind of offer was ‘‘beyond his wildest
dreams’’. Why?
Ans : Patol
Babu was already 52 years old and virtually unknown, in the field of acting. So
he was pleasantly surprised that a nonentity like him had received a film
offer. Moreover, he was very modest in his bearing and for quite sometime had
nurtured such kind of dreams.
3. What kind of fame had Patol Babu achieved in
Ans : At
some time in his life, Patol Babu had a real passion for the stage. He had been
simply obssessed. In the ‘Jatras’ he was very well-known and always in demand.
His name appeared in handbills many times and people bought tickets specially
to see him perform.
4. What kind of practice did Patol Babu do?
Ans : Patol
Babu practised speaking ‘Oh!’ a thousand times. He tried to give it a different
inflection, add all kinds of emotions and styles to this word. He practiced his
body language, how he would act during collision with the hero, how he would
fling his arms, how his body would crouch in pain and surprise.
5. What justification is rendered by Sasanko regarding
PatolBabu’s speaking role?
Ans : Sasanko
was a very clever and tactful person. He told Patol Babu that he had a regular
speaking part and he was indeed very lucky to get such a part in Baren
Mullick’s film. Most of the people had only crowd scenes and even the lead
actor had no lines to speak that day.
6. Why did Patol Babu disappear before collecting his payment
Ans : Patol Babu was happy at his performance because he felt that he had done
his best. But he was crestfallen at the indifferent behaviour of the film
people. So he felt that no money could compensate for his great efforts and the
hard work he had put in. He had been simply exhausted after the long wait and
hard work he had put in. Now the reward of twenty rupees looked too meagre and
7. Which message is the author trying to convey
through the lesson ‘Patol Babu’?
Ans : Through the lesson, Patol Babu, the writer depicts the dreams and aspirations
of the small timers and the apathy of film makers for whom making films is a
business. Patol Babu, a talented and emotional artist, who is artist at heart
and full of dramatic skills, was asked to perform a role after 52 years. Quite
excited, he rehearsed the single word (oh) he was asked to speak. Everybody
praised his performance but he did not wait there to collect his remuneration.
Naresh Dutt asked for him but next minute all that was forgotten and the camera
started rolling for another shot
For some people work satisfaction is more vital than the money earned through
the work. These people derive greater pleasure from their work than the ones
who work largely for money. Give your viewpoint on such an attitude with
reference to Patol Babu.
Every major creation is a combination of minor achievements. Explain how this
has been exemplified in Patol Babu, Film Star.
10. ‘Remember one thing Patol; however small a part you’re
offered, never consider it beneath your dignity to accept it. As an artist your
aim should be to make the most of your opportunity, and squeeze the last drop
of meaning out of your lines. A play involves the work of many and it is the
combined effort of many that makes a success of the play.’
Some time back you had received a letter from your friend from Bangalore in which he had mentioned how upset he was when he was not given any role to perform in the Annual function but given a back stage duty. After reading the above lines you decide to write a reply to his letter advising him to change his attitude as no work is mean.
Value Points
Ø Dignity of labour
Ø Make the most of the opportunity that comes your way
Ø Team work – giving due credit to individuals
Ø Shouldering responsibility
Ø Respect / acknowledgement / appreciation of others
Ø A man is judged not by his position / status / the work assigned, but his performance
6. Patol Babu glanced at the paper and found a single word had been scrawled on it – ‘Oh’. ….. Sosanko said, “What’s the matter Grandpa? You don’t seem too pleased.”
Inspite of his initial disappointment, Patol Babu came to terms with what was offered to him and finally achieved satisfaction and happiness.
Write an article for your school magazine entitled – Take challenges in your stride.
Value Points
Ø Accept challenges life throws at you - will be able to overcome even toughest obstacle
Ø Enables you to realize your potential
Ø Challenges expose your weaknesses and strengths
Ø Work on weaknesses to overcome them
Ø Knowledge of your strengths give confidence
Some time back you had received a letter from your friend from Bangalore in which he had mentioned how upset he was when he was not given any role to perform in the Annual function but given a back stage duty. After reading the above lines you decide to write a reply to his letter advising him to change his attitude as no work is mean.
Value Points
Ø Dignity of labour
Ø Make the most of the opportunity that comes your way
Ø Team work – giving due credit to individuals
Ø Shouldering responsibility
Ø Respect / acknowledgement / appreciation of others
Ø A man is judged not by his position / status / the work assigned, but his performance
6. Patol Babu glanced at the paper and found a single word had been scrawled on it – ‘Oh’. ….. Sosanko said, “What’s the matter Grandpa? You don’t seem too pleased.”
Inspite of his initial disappointment, Patol Babu came to terms with what was offered to him and finally achieved satisfaction and happiness.
Write an article for your school magazine entitled – Take challenges in your stride.
Value Points
Ø Accept challenges life throws at you - will be able to overcome even toughest obstacle
Ø Enables you to realize your potential
Ø Challenges expose your weaknesses and strengths
Ø Work on weaknesses to overcome them
Ø Knowledge of your strengths give confidence
Practice Question
Short Answer Type Question
1. Why does Patol Babu’s wife tell him that he is counting his ‘chickens before they’re hatched’? (2016)
2. How did Patol Babu earn his
living all through these years?
3. ‘Patol Babu had acted in many a play before but he still felt nervous
because he hadn’t got his dialogues to rehearse’. What does this suggest about
patol Babu?
4. ‘Well at least he had gathered some useful information’. Why did he
gather that useful information?
Long Answer Type Question
1. Patol Babu was a true performer. Explain
2. The story criticizes the fact that art is not anymore a thing of
passion but has become a totally commercialized commodity. Explain
3.Through the character of Patol Babu , Satyajit Ray has portrayed that
personal satisfaction is more important than financial rewards. Explain this
statement with reference to the story ‘Patol Babu, Film star’.
4. “Life was continuing its monotonicity for Patol Babu till came a
welcome twist quite by chance.” What was the twist and was it really a welcome
How did the
narrator happen to crack the video game?
Sebastian Shultz’s memory was intact in the computer. Someone stole the lot and
it went to the Computer Fair. The narrator and his father bought that lot. The
narrator played the game using Sebastian Shultz’s memory. He received an e-mail
from Sebastian thanking him for saving him. It was possible through interactive
psycho-drive games in 3-dimensional.
What had happened
to Sebastian Shultz? How was he at present?
Sebastian Shultz had been badly injured in a motorway accident six weeks ago.
His condition was critical but stable. Despite doctors’ hopes he did not regain
consciousness. He was in coma at present.
How did the
narrator rescue Sebastian Shultz after entering the ‘Warzone’?
The narrator and Sebastian Shultz ran amidst the fire and gunshots. They jumped
in a jeep followed by a tank. When Sebastian Shultz applied brake suddenly he
was thrown into a spin. He landed with a thud but the narrator pulled him up in
a helicopter. The helicopter soared into the sky and in this way Sebastian
Shultz was saved
How did the
narrator come to know about Sebastian Shultz’s condition?
The narrator came to know about Sebastian Shultz’s condition from a newspaper
article. He happened to see a lady reading the article titled ‘Miracle
Reading’. It was about Sebastian’s accident and consequential coma.
What plan did
Sebastian Shultz have for escaping from prison cell? How did it fail?
Sebastian Shultz had a plan that there was to be a helicopter on the roof. They
were to fly in it to escape from the dragon. But unfortunately the helicopter
was not there So the plan failed. Shultz fell down after he took a step backwards.
When did the
first video game ‘Wildwest’ become complicated? Who was the second sheriff? How
does the narrator describe ‘him’?
The first video game ‘Wildwest’ became complicated when the second sheriff
entered. He entered through the back door shouting and waving his arms.
Actually, the second sheriff was Sebastian Shultz. The narrator describes him
as a boy of his age and also says that even though he looked like a computer
image he didn’t look like one.
What Sebastian
Shultz suggest to Michael, the narrator to save him? What happened when the
narrator swiped a skeleton swipe-card?
Sebastian Shultz asked the narrator to try another videogame titled
‘Jailbreak’. When Michael and Shultz were out of the cell, sirens wailed, guard
dogs howled and heavy boots came tramping.
When did the
first video game come to an end and with what?
The narrator and the second sheriff, Sebastian Shultz went ahead on horseback
being chased by the horseman. At that moment the sound of a gunshot echoed round
the air. The sheriff groaned and slumped back against him. At this the game was
Justify the
title of the lesson ‘Virtually True’?
The lesson is aptly and logically titled ‘Virtually True’. The lesson describes
how Michael tries to rescue Sebastian Shultz, a virtually true image or
character by the computer. In all four interactive psycho-driven games,
‘Virtual Reality’ is the controlling concept. The images created by the
computer seem to be almost real to the person who is surrounded by them. The
narrator himself says that whatever described in the lesson is true but
Reference to the
Shultz. It isn’t a name you come across every day.
Who was
Sebastian Shultz?
Sebastian Shultz was a 14 year old school boy from South London who was injured
in motorway accident.
When did he meet
Michael and where?
Sebastian met Michael in the first of psycho-driven game ‘Wildwest’ where he
played the role of the second sheriff.
RECOVERY, the headline said.
What had
happened to Sebastian Shultz?
Sebastian Shultz was badly injured in a motor accident and was in a coma.
What was the
‘Miracle Recovery’?
The miracle recovery was that Shultz woke up from a long coma miraculously only
the previous day.
He wasn’t like
the other characters in the saloon.
Where was
Michael at that time?
At that time Michael was in a saloon drinking a glass of sarsaparilla
Who is being
talked about in these lines?
The second sheriff who appeared suddenly in the game ‘Wildwest’ is being talked
about in these lines.
I swung my
sword. But it was no good. The dragon was only interested in Sebastian……
Who swung his
sword and why?
Michael swung his sword to hit the wicked dragon.
Did the dragon
harm Michael?
No, the dragon was only interested in Sebastian Shultz and didn’t do any harm
to Michael.
Value based
How is
‘Virtually true’ different from the real truth? ‘Everything that I’ve described
is true- Virtually!’ says the narrator. Justify the statement.
Ans. The story ‘Virtually True’ comes under the
category of ‘Science Fiction’. Even the title of the story is ‘Virtually true’.
The lesson is about interactive psycho-driven games. These games are based on
the concept of Virtual Reality. The images are created by the computer. These
images seem to surround the person who is looking at them. Hence, a thing that
is ‘virtually true’ gives the impression of being actually true.
In all the psycho-driven games Michael tries to save
Sebastian Shultz, a character created by the computer. In the end Michael
receives a real message from the real Sebastian Shultz. The real Sebastian had
a miraculous recovery when he wakes up from a coma. He thanks Michael for
saving his life. He hopes to meet him soon and generously asks Michael to keep
the games as he has earned them.
interactive psycho-driven games. Out of the four psycho-driven games that
Michael plays in the lesson, which one appeals you most. Why Michael couldn’t
save Sebastian Shultz in ‘Wildwest’, ‘Dragonquest’, ‘Jailbreak’ but succeeds in
saving him in the last game ‘Warzone’?
Interactive psycho-driven games are driven by mental power. In such games the
man who plays them and the computer interact. They are terrific. With a virtual
reality visor and glove we can change what we see. Better than that, we can
control the action by what we are thinking.
four psycho-driven games that Michael plays in the story are exciting and
interesting. They take us to the romantic world of the ‘Wildwest’ with its
dusty towns, castles, dragons and dungeons. There is plenty of action in them.
Sebastian Shultz plays the second sheriff in ‘Wilwest’, the second knight in
‘Dragonquest’, a prisoner in ‘Jailbreak’ and a victim in ‘Warzone’. The last
game ‘Warzone’ is the most appealing as here the actions of Michael and
Sebastian Shultz are more coordinated and planned. Guns are booming. Bombs are
exploding. But they dodge the sniper fire. They jump into a jeep parked by the
wayside. The tank crushes into the jeep. Before they are killed or caught they
make it to the waiting helicopter which soon soars into the sky. Michael is
rewarded. His score touches 40,000,000 and he wins the jackpot. Finally, he is
able to save Sebastian Shultz. In the end, the ‘real’ Sebastian Shultz sends a
real message to Michael. He thanks Michal for saving his life and is eager to
meet him soon. He also asks him to keep all the psycho-driven games with him as
he has earned them.
“Dear Michael, it said. Thank you! I am not sure how it happened, but thanks.
You saved my life.”
though Michael did not know Shultz personally, he made every attempt to save
values did Michael display?
Value Points
Never give up
Concern for the
citizen, helping a fellow citizen.
4. Answering a reporter’s question as to what the
family was going to do next, Mr. Shultz
that they were off to stock up on some games.
especially computer games, are a rage with children as well as adults. They
important role in our lives but they are also a major distraction and have
their hazards. In
150 words, write an article on the hazards of addiction and how to overcome it.
Value Points
Technology here to stay – move with times
Advantages –
education, entertainment, stress buster
Disadvantages –
addiction, distraction, one becomes anti-social, affects health, games
Need to exercise
self-control – strike a balance
Time management
Name some of the poetic devices used in the poem.
Ans: a. Alliteration. Eg: crass; cacophony, bingle; bog, scarf; sash,
night; nightingale, art; adoration etc.
b. Allusion. Eg: Mozart
c. Metaphor. Eg: you’re Mozart
d. Satire. Eg: Frog is exploiting the nightingale
f. Pun Eg: Owl, Duck, Mallard etc.
Who is the poet?
Ans: Vikram Seth
What lessons do you learn from the poem?
Ans: We learn that we should not trust strangers. We must not believe
whatever they say. We also learn that we must have balance in our life.
Anything too much is not good for us. Eg: The nightingale used to train
everyday without any break in between. This led to her downfall.
What is the irony in the nightingale actions?
Ans: Before the nightingale came to the Bingle Bog, she could sing even
if no one appreciated her. She liked to sing. After she came to the Bog, she
was appreciated so much that when everyone stopped appreciating her, she no
longer wanted to sing. She stopped singing.
Animals from miles around
Flocked towards the magic sound
And the frog with great precision
Counted heads and charged admission.
What does precision mean?
Ans: Exactness.
What is the magic sound?
Ans: The sound of the nightingale singing is the
magic sound.
Why did the frog charge admission?
Ans: He charged admission
because he wanted to take full advantage of the nightingale’s training and earn
some profit.
Short Answer
Type Questions
1. What is
the meaning of the lines “ And the sumac tree was bowed with a breathless
titled crowed”?
2.How did the frog exploit the nightingale?
3. What advice did the frog give to the nightingale?
Long Answer Type
1. Frog symbolizes the cunning and crafty people who
can go to any extent to achieve their goal. Elaborate.
2. In spite of having a melodious voice and being a
crowed puller the nightingale turns out to be a loser and dies. Do you think
she is responsible for her own downfall?
3. The frog philosophizes that one’s song must be
one’s own. Do you agree with it?
4. We cannot destroy a person by power but we can
destroy him by crushing his morale. Elaborate
5. How does the poem shed light on the various
traits of humans?
6. The frog, who was not at all talented, ruled in
the end and the nightingale, which possessed the fineness and versatility of
voice, died. Explain the irony o f the statement, highlighting g the values the
frog should have possessed. (2016)
7. The poem ‘The Frog and the Nightingale’
highlights the fact that lack of confidence can lead to disaster. Keeping this
in mind, elaborate the statement: ‘If you accept yourself, the whole world
accepts you.’(2016)
Read the
following extract and answer the questions that follow.
I am silver and exact. I have no preconceptions.
Whatever I see I
swallow immediately
Just as it is,
unmisted by love or dislike.
(a) What is the
meaning of the poet by 'silver and exact'?
(b) What is the
poetic device used in the stanza?
(c) What is the
synonym of 'preconception'?
(a) It means that the mirror is clean and
shows only the truth.
(b) The poetic device used here is
(c) It is 'prejudice'.
2. In me she has drowned a young girl,
and ... Like a terrible fish.
a) How has "she" drowned a young girl in the mirror?
a) How has "she" drowned a young girl in the mirror?
b) How does "she" reacts when "she" looks at her face reflected in the mirror?
c) Why does "she" behave like a terrible fish?
a) She-meaning
the woman was once a young girl. But now she has grown old. The physical
changes brought about due to age and time seems to have "drowned" the
young girl in the mirror and the older varnish of the woman now is reflected
every time the woman looks at herself in the mirror.
b) "She" (the woman) feels very sad at the physical change. She looks into the depths of the mirror to see her young face again, but she cannot find it. She feels very upset over this fact.
c) She (the woman) behaves like a terrible fish which is out of water because she still imagines herself to be young and beautiful and cannot accept the fact that one grows old with the passage of time. She still has romantic ideas about her youth and beauty.
b) "She" (the woman) feels very sad at the physical change. She looks into the depths of the mirror to see her young face again, but she cannot find it. She feels very upset over this fact.
c) She (the woman) behaves like a terrible fish which is out of water because she still imagines herself to be young and beautiful and cannot accept the fact that one grows old with the passage of time. She still has romantic ideas about her youth and beauty.
3. Now I am a lake. A woman bends over me,
Searching my reaches for what she really is
Then she turns to those liars, the candles or the moon.
I see her back and reflect it faithfully,
She rewards me with tears and an agitation of hands,
I am important to her
Who says: ‘Now I am a lake’?
Why is the woman in tears?
Explain: Searching my reaches’.
Who is ‘she’ in the above lines?
What does the mirror reflect
a) It is the mirror that now calls
itself a ‘lake’.
b) The woman is in tears because of the
loss of her youth and beauty due to her aging.
c) ‘Searching my reaches’ means looking
into me (mirror) for her lost youth and beauty.
d) ‘She’ is a lady who is looking at
her reflection in the mirror.
e) The mirror reflects faithfully the
image of the woman. It shows the sign of old age apparent on her face.
I am not cruel, only truthful –
The eye of a little god, four-cornered.
Most of the time meditate on the opposite wall.
The eye of a little god, four-cornered.
Most of the time meditate on the opposite wall.
a) How is the
mirror not cruel, but truthful?
b) Explain “The eye of a little god, four-cornered”
b) Explain “The eye of a little god, four-cornered”
c) How does
the mirror “meditate”?
a) The person who does not
like his or her own image calls the mirror cruel. The truth, however, is that
mirror is only truthful – giving the true image.
b) The mirror is rectangular or square and so the poet calls it
four-cornered. It is also like a little god, because like god it is impartial.
c) When there is no one before the mirror, it keeps on reflecting the wall before it. The word “reflect” also means thinking or meditating or introspecting.
c) When there is no one before the mirror, it keeps on reflecting the wall before it. The word “reflect” also means thinking or meditating or introspecting.
5. Now I am a lake. A
woman bends over me,
Searching my
reaches for what she really is
Then she turns to those liars, the candles or the moon.
Then she turns to those liars, the candles or the moon.
I see her back and reflect it
She rewards me with tears and an agitation of hands
She rewards me with tears and an agitation of hands
a) How is the mirror “a lake”?
b) What is the woman searching for in the depth of the lake?
c) Why are the candles and the moon called liars?
a) The mirror is described as a lake because the woman who stands before it, seeing her image tries to look deep into every part of her image. The depth and clarity can be seen in a lake only. Also, anyone can drown in a lake. So when one looks in the mirror, one is "drowned" in it, yet one can come out, of it "alive".
b) The woman bends over to see her reflection in the lake. She was once young and beautiful, but now she is wrinkled and old. She wants to see her young, beautiful face once again, so she searches inside the lake (mirror) for that
c) "The moon" and "the candles" have been called liars because they do not give intense light, which makes the face look beautiful as the wrinkles cannot be seen clearly. In their dim light, the woman who has now grown old can see her youthful face minus the wrinkles. Since this is not the true image of the woman, they have been referred to as "liars".
6. Each
morning it is her face that replaces the darkness.
In me, she has drowned a young girl, and in me an old woman
Rises toward her day after day like a terrible fish
In me, she has drowned a young girl, and in me an old woman
Rises toward her day after day like a terrible fish
a) How has “she” drowned a young girl in the mirror?
b) How does
“she” reacts when “she” looks at her face reflected in the mirror?
c) Why does
“she” behave like a terrible fish?
a) She-meaning the woman was once a young girl. But now she has grown old. The physical changes brought about due to age and time seems to have “drowned” the young girl in the mirror and the older varnish of the woman now is reflected every time the woman looks at herself in the mirror.
b) “She” (the woman) feels very sad at the physical change. She looks into the depths of the mirror to see her young face again, but she cannot find it. She feels very upset over this fact.
c) She (the woman) behaves like a terrible fish which is out of water because she still imagines herself to be young and beautiful and cannot accept the fact that one grows old with the passage of time. She still has romantic ideas about her youth and beauty.
a) She-meaning the woman was once a young girl. But now she has grown old. The physical changes brought about due to age and time seems to have “drowned” the young girl in the mirror and the older varnish of the woman now is reflected every time the woman looks at herself in the mirror.
b) “She” (the woman) feels very sad at the physical change. She looks into the depths of the mirror to see her young face again, but she cannot find it. She feels very upset over this fact.
c) She (the woman) behaves like a terrible fish which is out of water because she still imagines herself to be young and beautiful and cannot accept the fact that one grows old with the passage of time. She still has romantic ideas about her youth and beauty.
Short Answer Type Question
has the wall become a part of the mirror's heart? What separates them?
Wall has become a part of the mirror's
heart because the wall is always there and its reflection in the mirror is also
permanent. They are separated only either by the faces or the darkness.
do you think the old woman rises day by day?
The old woman once was a young and
beautiful lady. As each day passes that woman grows older and older.
does the mirror appear to be a lake in the second stanza? What aspect of the
mirror do you think is being referred to here?
In the second stanza, the mirror is
compared to the lake. Lake cannot reflect exactly as a mirror. The lake also
suggests the flow of time and age, hence the beauty being drowned in the lake.
4. The woman in the poem
‘Mirror’ searches for something in the depth of the mirror. What is it?
The woman in the poem ‘Mirror’ searches
for her lost youth and beauty. She is also having a close look at her face to
gauge the damage that time has done.
5. How the poem ‘Mirror' brings out the inevitability of aging
and the death?
The poem brings out our sense of
anxieties and confusion which is the result of aging. Nobody wants to grow old;
everyone desires to remain young and beautiful ever. We fail to understand that
life is transitory and aging and death are unavoidable and inevitable. Hence,
we need to develop an objective outlook and an inner strength to face all
stages of life gracefully.
Why has the mirror been called the
“The eye of a little God”?
The mirror sees everything from all
the four directions. The mirror has an all around perception. The mirror is
unbiased and fair like God. The mirror gives its judgment in the form of images
very truthfully. The God also is omnipresent and impartial to
7. Who disturbs the mirror’s meditation and how?
Answer: The mirror keeps on gazing
at the opposite wall steadily like a person meditating with a stir in his mind
and body. The mirror’s meditation is disturbed by darkness or whenever someone
comes in front of the mirror and its opposite wall.
8. Who calls the ‘mirror’ cruel and why?
The woman calls the mirror cruel.
She wants to live in a world of illusion and does not want to accept the truth
that she has grown old. She does not have the maturity to understand that the
mirror only reflects back what comes in front of it. It does not have the power
to change somebody’s appearance. But the woman finds it difficult to
acknowledge the truth and so, she the ‘mirror’ cruel.
Long Answer Type
The poet says that the mirror has no
preconceptions and is only truthful. Explain.
The mirror is free from
preconceptions and prejudices. It shows only the true image of an object. Its
view is not tinted. The mirror does not get carried away by emotions. It has a
clear vision and does not get misted by looking at beautiful people or ugly
faces. It is unbiased, unmisted. It is never bothered about the feelings of the
person looking at it. It performs its job honestly and in the best manner. It
shows the people their true images in true color. Like God, a mirror gives an
impartial judgment through its images. Though people call it cruel, it is not
so because it reflects the true image of a person without any distortion.
Why have the candles and moon been called
The candles and the moon are called
liars because under their dim and dull light the woman is not able to see the
wrinkles and the lines on her face. The dim lights hide the reality that she
has grown old and has lost her beauty; thus making her feel beautiful and
satisfying her vanity.
Why does the woman turn to liars
like the candles and moon again?
The woman wants to view her
beautiful face in the mirror. But time and aging have ruined her beauty and her
face is full of wrinkles. So, in order to satisfy her vanity, she turns to the
candles or the moon which make her look beautiful in their soft and faint
Why is the woman agitated and has
tears in her eyes?
The woman looks at herself in the
mirror every day. She is fond of viewing her beauty in the mirror and rejoicing
and exulting over it. But when she sees her wrinkled and aging face in the
mirror she is upset, agitated and has tears in her eyes.
How does the mirror important to the woman?
The mirror is important to the woman
because she looks at herself in the mirror every day to see her face. It is
important to her because through it she meets her true self. She also muses
over past, present, and future. She is upset when she sees her wrinkled and
aging face but she turns again to the mirror because it is an important part of
her life.
How do you consider the poem – optimistic or
pessimistic? Explain.
The poem ‘Mirror' does have a tone
of pessimism in it. The poet is a pessimistic person. She has set high
aspirations for herself which she is not able to achieve and goes into
depression. In the similar way, the woman in the poem is not able to come to
terms with life. She is not able to accept the harsh reality that aging and
death are inevitable. Her anxiety, tears, and agitation provide some pessimism
to the poem. Our attitude makes a lot of difference. We should reconcile
ourselves to reality, accept upheavals', upsets and death as an integral part
of life. So, the poem does reflect some tinge of pessimism but all, in all it
is not a pessimistic poem.
is the significance of the expression ‘unmisted’ in the first stage of the poem?
The expression 'unmisted' means that it
is not shadowed by love or dislike. A mirror always shows what it sees. It
clearly reflects the truth and does not show any prejudice. In this poem too,
we see that the mirror has shown the true image of the woman very clearly and
without any love or dislike for her.
What is the central theme of the poem “mirror”?
The poem “Mirror” by Sylvia
Plath, is a comment on a woman’s desire to look beautiful and always look
young. For some woman, their day begins by looking into the mirror. She is glad
when she finds herself looking young, charming and beautiful, but is inconsolable
when the reality is otherwise.
For an old woman, the mirror is like a lake. She looks carefully deep into the mirror to see the youth that has drowned in it. She then looks to candles and the moon to reveal her appearance, but the mirror calls them liars because they hide many of her shortcomings like her age, and the wrinkles.
For an old woman, the mirror is like a lake. She looks carefully deep into the mirror to see the youth that has drowned in it. She then looks to candles and the moon to reveal her appearance, but the mirror calls them liars because they hide many of her shortcomings like her age, and the wrinkles.
The mirror view of life is
difficult to accept. Do you agree with the statement? Substantiate your answer
with examples from the poem.
mirror does not lie, it gives only the real or true image of a person standing
before it. It has no preconceived nations – it has god-like fairness. However,
very often it is difficult to accept reality. Especially women like to like to
live in denial. They do not like to see their wrinkles reflecting the loss of
age and youth. They would prefer to believe that they are still beautiful and
young. Like the woman in the poem, they turn to the mirror every day looking
for assurance of their beauty which they think is everlasting. They would
prefer to see their faces in moonlight or candlelight because they blur and
hide much of their ugliness.PRACTICE
is the significance of the expression ‘unlimited’ in the first stanza of the
Explain the expression –‘I have no preconceptions’ in the context of human
Why has the mirror been called a four-cornered god? (2011)
is truthful and not cruel. It is concise and unbiased. Everyone is same in
front of god, he see in all direction.
Explain –‘In me she drowned a young girl.’
What is the woman searching for in the depth of the lake?
How is the mirror ‘exact’?
Who call the mirror cruel and why?
Why are the candles and the moon called liars?
1. Why do you think people
are not able to accept the change and enjoy life?
2. What kind of relationship
does the woman share with the mirror?
3. What does the poet want
to convey through the poem?
4. The mirror reflects the
image or life as it is, but still people find it difficult to come to term with
the truth. Why? (2015)
5. In her poem ‘Mirror’ the
poet wants to convey that the chakra/wheel of time cannot be stopped and ‘old
age and graying’ are inevitable. Explain.
‘Man is so busy in enhancing the outer beauty that he has no time to peep into
his heart spirit and to realise
the beauty that lies within.’ Explain.
The poem is a monologue in which the mirror has been personified. The poet has
used the device of personification very
efficaciously. Explain.
- Personification is a poetic
device where we attribute human qualities, a character or personality to
inanimate or abstract things to make them appear like living beings.
‘I am not cruel only
‘The eye of a little god’
‘Now I am lake’
-not cruel to the human
being but it is only truthful.
-omniscient like God.
Short Answer Type Question
1. In what way is the poet
stronger than powerful rulers?
2.Why is war called
3. Why does the poet refer
to ‘time’ as being sluttish?
4. Describe how the
monuments and statues bear the ravages of time.
5. Why do you think the rich
and the powerful people get their statues and monuments erected in their
6. How will the poet’s
friend dwell in lover’s eyes? (2013)
7. What according to Shakespeare
outlives the ravages of time?(2016)
8. In what ways are wars
wasteful? (2016)
Long Answer Type Questions
1. The materialistic things
do not last forever. What lasts is our good behaviour and values we posses.
2. What quality of the work
of the author is reflected in this poem?
‘The hand that
mocked them, and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal these words appear;
My name is Ozymandias, king of
Whom does the
hand and heart refer to?
The hand refers
to the sculptor’s hand which mocked the expression on ozymandias’ face, and
heart here refers to the cold heart of Ozymandias that fed the expression.
How did the king
look after his people?
He was cruel and
ruthless. It is expressed in the lines
‘cold command’.
What quality of
Ozymandias is revealed in the last line?
He was cruel,
selfish and considered himself to be the mightiest. He was conceited and
intoxicated with power.
‘Look upon my
works, ye Mighty and despair!
Whom does the
poet refer to as mighty?
The poet refers
to all those who think they are better than Ozymandias.
How does he
challenge the mighty?
By telling them
that they can never surpass him in great and therefore they need to live in
What message is
conveyed in the poem Ozymandias?
All great
achievements, vanity, pride will crumble and get destroyed. Civilizations
disappear with time, so man should not be conceited.
‘Nothing beside
remains, round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.’
What does the
poem mean when he says ‘Nothing else remains’?
The poem implies
that nothing else except the broken statue has survived.
What does the
poet mean by ‘colossal wreck’?
The poet means
the huge, ruined statue of Ozymandias.
Explain the last
The ravages of
time had wiped every trace of the mighty kingdom of the mightiest of all
rulers. Now only vast expanse of desert land was there.
In what
condition was the statue found?
The statue of
Ozymandias was found in a distant desert. The head of the statue was broken and
nearby two vast legs of stone stand without a body. The head is half sunk in
the sand. The statue has a bitter and cruel expression of command and power.
Who has written
the inscription on the pedestal below the statue? What did it indicate?
On the pedestal
of the statue, the words inscribed were, ‘My name is Ozymandias, and I am the
king of kings. If anyone wishes to know how great I am, then let him surpass my
works. ‘These words indicate the arrogance, conceit and overconfidence of the
king. The king appeared to sneer at people who were weak and helpless.
Describe the
surrounding of the statue of Ozymandias?
The broken
statue of Ozymandias was surrounded by vast stretches of sand and loneliness of
deserts. These ruins prove that the king’s works and civilization has crumbles
to dust. Nothing lasts forever, and loneliness, desertion conveys a feeling of
crumbling under the cruel knife of time.
How did the poet
come to know about the broken statue of Ozymandias?
The poet was
told the story of Ozymandias by a speaker who had met a traveler from an
ancient land. The story and the condition of Ozymandias’ statue are conveyed by
word of mouth. This adds a tinge of obscurity and mystery to the statue.
After reading
the poem, what is the lesson ingrained in it for the rest of mankind? Discuss.
Power, position
and pelf should be used for the welfare of mankind. History may record one’s
territorial achievements but if one wins the hearts of people, then that is
real victory. One must command respect and not demand it. Many times, sages and
saints are respected more than mighty kings. So, one must never misuse power
and might. Time is a great leveler. So glorious deeds should be omitted to get
respect from posterity, Shelley also demonstrates the fact that art and
language long outlive the other legacies of power. Real power is in winning
hearts and not in ruling the weak and the needy.
The futility of
human beings is exposed in this poem. Explain.
In this poem,
Ozymandias, Shelly talks about the transience of human life and our ever
constant need to overcome this inevitable truth. The futility, or uselessness,
of human ambition, to wish to be remembered and immortalized and to think that
that is possible by making statues of oneself, is wishful thinking. Only the
shattered visage is left behind after the onslaught of time, nothing remains of
past grandeur but the bones of a colossal wreck. The justice of time is that no
one can continue to hold power just on the might of their words; one must
produce credible evidence through their works and actions to justify the
laurels that are given to them.
The poem
Ozymandias portrays the short living political power against the force of time
and nature. Elaborate.
The poem conveys
the message of supremacy of time over all human achievements. Political
grandiosity being one such endeavor comes under the ambit of time. The
partially destroyed statue of Ozymandias speaks of the uselessness of political
power. The statue that once spoke of the grandeur of Ozymandias now stands cold
and shattered, devoid of all power that is signified at one point of time. It
is time alone that conquers all. Everything else is extremely short lived in
What message is
conveyed through this poem?
Nothing is
permanent in this world. Everything is transient and gets washed away by the
tides of time. We might run after material pursuits but they do not give us
permanent happiness. We are blinded by our ego, arrogance and thirst for power
which is not lasting hence can never give lasting happiness. The king tried to
perpetuate his name and wanted to create all that he could to prove to the
worlds his might, his power. But little did he realize the irony of his fate
would not let anything of the sort happen. Nothing was left with time –his
kingdom, his self- everything mingled with dust. Only vast desert land remains.
The Rime of
the Ancient Mariner
Read the following extracts and answer the questions.
(1) “The bridegroom’s doors are opened wide,
And I am next of kin
The guests are met, the feast is set :
May’st hear the merry din”.
(a) Who is next of kin?
Ans : The wedding guest is next of kin.
(b) Why is the wedding guest helpless and restless?
Ans : He is eager to join the wedding party.
(c) What does ‘merry din’ refer to?
Ans : The noise of celebration and festivities.
(2) “He holds him with his glittering eye
The wedding guest stood still
And listens like a three-year old child
The mariner hath his will”.
(a) Why does the mariner hold him?
Ans : The wedding guest is reluctant to listen to the mariner.
(b) Explain the figure of speech in line 3.
Ans : Simile
(c) What is the mariner’s will?
Ans : The mariner wants to hold the guest and relatehis tales of misery.
(3) The ship was cheered, the harbour cleared
Merrily did we drop
Below the kirk, below the hill
Below the light-house top.
(a) On what note does the journey begin?
Ans : The journey begins with optimism and cheering.
(b) What sights were seen on the way?
Ans : They saw a hill, a lighthouse when the ship cleared from the harbour.
(c) Discuss the use of ‘kirk’. What effect does it create?
Ans : It is an archaic word for ‘church’. It gives the
poem the flavour of a traditional ballad.
(1) “The bridegroom’s doors are opened wide,
And I am next of kin
The guests are met, the feast is set :
May’st hear the merry din”.
(a) Who is next of kin?
Ans : The wedding guest is next of kin.
(b) Why is the wedding guest helpless and restless?
Ans : He is eager to join the wedding party.
(c) What does ‘merry din’ refer to?
Ans : The noise of celebration and festivities.
(2) “He holds him with his glittering eye
The wedding guest stood still
And listens like a three-year old child
The mariner hath his will”.
(a) Why does the mariner hold him?
Ans : The wedding guest is reluctant to listen to the mariner.
(b) Explain the figure of speech in line 3.
Ans : Simile
(c) What is the mariner’s will?
Ans : The mariner wants to hold the guest and relatehis tales of misery.
(3) The ship was cheered, the harbour cleared
Merrily did we drop
Below the kirk, below the hill
Below the light-house top.
(a) On what note does the journey begin?
Ans : The journey begins with optimism and cheering.
(b) What sights were seen on the way?
Ans : They saw a hill, a lighthouse when the ship cleared from the harbour.
(c) Discuss the use of ‘kirk’. What effect does it create?
Ans : It is an archaic word for ‘church’. It gives the
poem the flavour of a traditional ballad.
1. Why is the albatross greeted like a ‘Christian soul’? What
relationship is forged between the albatross and the crew of the ship?[C.B.S.E. 2012
Ans : The albatross is welcomed as a good omen, like the grace of Lord Jesus. The sailors are very happy to welcome and feed him for he is the only sign of life that they have seen. Its arrival also coincides with the blowing of the south-wind, which makes the ship sail. The bird is
great company for all the sailors. It fills the crew with luck and hope. That is why the bird is called ‘a Christian soul’.
2. What situation did the mariners face in the land of snow and ice?
Ans : The ship is cheered and the journey begins on an optimistic note. But soon the ship is caught in a violent storm and trapped. It is tossed on high waves and the sailors have great difficulty in controlling it under the effect of the stormy blast, the ship is driven to the south, which is the land of snow and mist and wondrously cold. There are no men, no sign of life. All they see is ice and ice around them.
3. The crew of the ship demonstrate double standards and they have contradictory ethical values. Bring out the truth of this statement by giving examples from the poem.
Ans : Initially the albatross is welcomed and called a ‘Christian soul’. It is loved and petted. The sailors believe that the bird has brought luck and south wind. When the mariner kills the albatross, the sailors condemn this killing. When the weather improves and no mishap follows, they start blaming the bird for the fog and the mist and justify its killing. They become party to the sin, so they also undergo great suffering like the ancient mariner.
4. Describe the encounter between the ancient mariner and the wedding guest. How does the wedding guest react?
Ans : The Wedding Guest is forcibly detained by the mariner, who is in no mood to listen to his tale of ‘woe’ and misery. The Wedding Guest calls the mariner crazy and mad but the mariner holds the guest’s hand tightly. The wedding begins and the guest beats his breast but the glittering eyes of the mariner mesmerise him. Later the guest is also involved in this extraordinary story and by the strangeness of the mariner.
Ans : The albatross is welcomed as a good omen, like the grace of Lord Jesus. The sailors are very happy to welcome and feed him for he is the only sign of life that they have seen. Its arrival also coincides with the blowing of the south-wind, which makes the ship sail. The bird is
great company for all the sailors. It fills the crew with luck and hope. That is why the bird is called ‘a Christian soul’.
2. What situation did the mariners face in the land of snow and ice?
Ans : The ship is cheered and the journey begins on an optimistic note. But soon the ship is caught in a violent storm and trapped. It is tossed on high waves and the sailors have great difficulty in controlling it under the effect of the stormy blast, the ship is driven to the south, which is the land of snow and mist and wondrously cold. There are no men, no sign of life. All they see is ice and ice around them.
3. The crew of the ship demonstrate double standards and they have contradictory ethical values. Bring out the truth of this statement by giving examples from the poem.
Ans : Initially the albatross is welcomed and called a ‘Christian soul’. It is loved and petted. The sailors believe that the bird has brought luck and south wind. When the mariner kills the albatross, the sailors condemn this killing. When the weather improves and no mishap follows, they start blaming the bird for the fog and the mist and justify its killing. They become party to the sin, so they also undergo great suffering like the ancient mariner.
4. Describe the encounter between the ancient mariner and the wedding guest. How does the wedding guest react?
Ans : The Wedding Guest is forcibly detained by the mariner, who is in no mood to listen to his tale of ‘woe’ and misery. The Wedding Guest calls the mariner crazy and mad but the mariner holds the guest’s hand tightly. The wedding begins and the guest beats his breast but the glittering eyes of the mariner mesmerise him. Later the guest is also involved in this extraordinary story and by the strangeness of the mariner.
5. ‘We stuck, nor breath nor motion:
As idle as a painted ship
upon a painted ocean;’
Discuss how the ship came to be stuck and the
problems faced by the crew.
What were the sufferings undergone by the mariners in the silent see.[C.B.S.E. 2012 (T-2)]
Ans : The ancient mariner and his crew were stuck in the middle of the silent sea. For a long time the sailor’s ship was stuck and there was no air or motion that could move the ship. The crew were in a state of sheer helplessness and the ship looked just like a painting. Initially south wind had driven the ship but suddenly the favourable wind stopped blowing and they were pushed towards a silent sea.
As idle as a painted ship
upon a painted ocean;’
Discuss how the ship came to be stuck and the
problems faced by the crew.
What were the sufferings undergone by the mariners in the silent see.[C.B.S.E. 2012 (T-2)]
Ans : The ancient mariner and his crew were stuck in the middle of the silent sea. For a long time the sailor’s ship was stuck and there was no air or motion that could move the ship. The crew were in a state of sheer helplessness and the ship looked just like a painting. Initially south wind had driven the ship but suddenly the favourable wind stopped blowing and they were pushed towards a silent sea.
1. What is the dramatic significance of the role of the albatross in the
poem ‘Rime of the Ancient Mariner’?
Ans : The albatross is the main pivot on which the whole poem hangs. The poem is an exploration of evil, both that of men and nature and of salvation. The whole poem is based on the Christian concept of sin, its punishment and redemption. The albatross is seen as a friendly spirit, a symbol of God’s favour, bringing good results. When the mariner kills the albatross, he taints himself with sin and loses connection with God. By destroying God’s creature, the mariner is exposed to the darker aspects of God. The albatross also exposes the fickle-minded nature of the sailors. In the end, when the mariner prays, albatross, a symbol of sin falls from him. The mariner is full of God’s grace. So the albatross is an instrument to expose the mariner’s sin and its redemption.
Ans : The albatross is the main pivot on which the whole poem hangs. The poem is an exploration of evil, both that of men and nature and of salvation. The whole poem is based on the Christian concept of sin, its punishment and redemption. The albatross is seen as a friendly spirit, a symbol of God’s favour, bringing good results. When the mariner kills the albatross, he taints himself with sin and loses connection with God. By destroying God’s creature, the mariner is exposed to the darker aspects of God. The albatross also exposes the fickle-minded nature of the sailors. In the end, when the mariner prays, albatross, a symbol of sin falls from him. The mariner is full of God’s grace. So the albatross is an instrument to expose the mariner’s sin and its redemption.
2. Whom did the mariners hold responsible for their misery? Was it
correct to do so?
Ans : When the ancient mariner kills the albatross, the sailors are frightened that great evil will befall them. Killing a bird who brought the south wind and was great company, hurts the sailors very badly. But when no punishment follows the sin, the weather improves and the ship makes great advancement, the sailors change their opinion. But soon punishment follows, nemesis strikes them. The ship gets stuck in the silent sea and cannot move at all for days altogether. Then they undergo spells of thirst and parched throats. They are plagued by the polar spirit for killing the albatross. So they blame the mariner because it is their nature. They are too fickle-minded and have ‘herd-mentality’.
Ans : When the ancient mariner kills the albatross, the sailors are frightened that great evil will befall them. Killing a bird who brought the south wind and was great company, hurts the sailors very badly. But when no punishment follows the sin, the weather improves and the ship makes great advancement, the sailors change their opinion. But soon punishment follows, nemesis strikes them. The ship gets stuck in the silent sea and cannot move at all for days altogether. Then they undergo spells of thirst and parched throats. They are plagued by the polar spirit for killing the albatross. So they blame the mariner because it is their nature. They are too fickle-minded and have ‘herd-mentality’.
Read the following extracts and answer the questionthat follow.
1. To drink there
In the deep, strange-scented shade of the great carob-tree
(a) Name the poet and the person.
Ans : The poet is D.H. Lawrence and the poem is the Snake.
(b) Who has come to drink and what has he come for?
Ans : The poet has come to collect water in the pitcher and the snake has come for drinking water.
c) Describe the surroundings of the water trough?
Ans : The water-trough is in the open, under the shade of the sweet-scented carob tree.
2. He reached down from a fissure in the earth-wall in the gloom
And trailed his yellow-brown slackness soft bellied down, over the edge of the stone-trough
(a) From where had the snake appeared?
Ans : The snake had come from the inside portion of the earth-wall
(b) Identify the poetic device in ‘slackness, soft bellied’.
Ans : Alliteration
(c) Describe the path the snake took to reach the
Ans : The snake came out from the crack in the wall and came trailing on the ground to reach the edge of the water trough.
3. and mused a moment
And stooped and drank a little more
(a) Explain ‘mused a moment?
Ans : It means ‘it appeared to be thinking for sometime’.
(b) What does the manner of the snake suggest?
Ans : The snake appears very relaxed and ‘unhurried and takes his time to drink water.
(c) Why is the poet watching every action of the snake?
Ans : The snake has fascinated the poet with his majestic behaviour.
4. And voices in me said, if you were a man
You would take a stick and break him now and
finish him off
(a) What are ‘voices’?
Ans : The voices refer to the beliefs that are ingrained in one’s mind due to society.
(b) What do the voices suggest? Why?
Ans : They suggest that the snake should be killed as he is poisonous.
c) Do you think it would be cowardice or manly for the poet to kill the snake? Why/Why not?
1. To drink there
In the deep, strange-scented shade of the great carob-tree
(a) Name the poet and the person.
Ans : The poet is D.H. Lawrence and the poem is the Snake.
(b) Who has come to drink and what has he come for?
Ans : The poet has come to collect water in the pitcher and the snake has come for drinking water.
c) Describe the surroundings of the water trough?
Ans : The water-trough is in the open, under the shade of the sweet-scented carob tree.
2. He reached down from a fissure in the earth-wall in the gloom
And trailed his yellow-brown slackness soft bellied down, over the edge of the stone-trough
(a) From where had the snake appeared?
Ans : The snake had come from the inside portion of the earth-wall
(b) Identify the poetic device in ‘slackness, soft bellied’.
Ans : Alliteration
(c) Describe the path the snake took to reach the
Ans : The snake came out from the crack in the wall and came trailing on the ground to reach the edge of the water trough.
3. and mused a moment
And stooped and drank a little more
(a) Explain ‘mused a moment?
Ans : It means ‘it appeared to be thinking for sometime’.
(b) What does the manner of the snake suggest?
Ans : The snake appears very relaxed and ‘unhurried and takes his time to drink water.
(c) Why is the poet watching every action of the snake?
Ans : The snake has fascinated the poet with his majestic behaviour.
4. And voices in me said, if you were a man
You would take a stick and break him now and
finish him off
(a) What are ‘voices’?
Ans : The voices refer to the beliefs that are ingrained in one’s mind due to society.
(b) What do the voices suggest? Why?
Ans : They suggest that the snake should be killed as he is poisonous.
c) Do you think it would be cowardice or manly for the poet to kill the snake? Why/Why not?
Ans : It was cowardice because the snake had not harmed the poet — to
strike the snake behind its back is not ethical.
1. Why does the poet repeat “hot”, “must wait” twice? What purpose does it serve?
Ans : These words are used repeatedly because the poet wishes to emphasise on them. ‘Hot’ means very hot as there are many reasons like the month of July, Etna volcano etc. ‘Must wait’ means compulsion. The poet believes that anyone who comes first, must be served first.
2. From where had the snake emerged? What do you think was the reason for the snake to come out in the open?
1. Why does the poet repeat “hot”, “must wait” twice? What purpose does it serve?
Ans : These words are used repeatedly because the poet wishes to emphasise on them. ‘Hot’ means very hot as there are many reasons like the month of July, Etna volcano etc. ‘Must wait’ means compulsion. The poet believes that anyone who comes first, must be served first.
2. From where had the snake emerged? What do you think was the reason for the snake to come out in the open?
Ans : The snake had come out from the crack in the wall. It was very hot
and scorching inside due to July month, active volcano etc. The snake wanted to
drink water and satisfy his thirst.
3. Describe the relaxed manner in which the snake makes his way to the water trough and the manner in which he drinks water.
Ans : The movement of the snake is described as ‘slack’ ‘soft-bellied’, most relaxed and unhurried. He
appeared out of a crack in the wall and very languorously stretched himself and slow crawled to the edge of the water-trough. One reason could be that he had not seen the poet.
4. Why is the snake compared to cattle?
Ans : The relaxed manner in which the snake drinks water reminds the poet of cattle. Even the cattle drink water, then look up, muse a moment and continue. The snake also behaves similarly.
5. How were the poet’s beliefs regarding snakes conditioned by society?
3. Describe the relaxed manner in which the snake makes his way to the water trough and the manner in which he drinks water.
Ans : The movement of the snake is described as ‘slack’ ‘soft-bellied’, most relaxed and unhurried. He
appeared out of a crack in the wall and very languorously stretched himself and slow crawled to the edge of the water-trough. One reason could be that he had not seen the poet.
4. Why is the snake compared to cattle?
Ans : The relaxed manner in which the snake drinks water reminds the poet of cattle. Even the cattle drink water, then look up, muse a moment and continue. The snake also behaves similarly.
5. How were the poet’s beliefs regarding snakes conditioned by society?
Ans : Society ingrains certain preconceived notions in our mind and due
to that we don’t judge situations by instinct — The poet was fascinated by the
snake. He appreciated the snake’s majestic and harmless nature but the earlier
instincts drilled in him by society force him to strike at the snake. He had
been taught to kill snakes.
1. Describe the manner in
which the snake arrived and departed.
Ans : The snake had come from the crack in the wall made of earth, from the darkness, from the scorching inside portion of the earth. The snake did not feel the threat of the poet’s presence, so its movement is very languid, very relaxed and unhurried. It stretched its long and slack body, drank water with great spells of flavour
and enjoyment. It licked its lips, it mused and put his head on the edge of the water-trough. Its departure was exactly the opposite—quick, clumsy, abrupt like the speed of lightning.
Ans : The snake had come from the crack in the wall made of earth, from the darkness, from the scorching inside portion of the earth. The snake did not feel the threat of the poet’s presence, so its movement is very languid, very relaxed and unhurried. It stretched its long and slack body, drank water with great spells of flavour
and enjoyment. It licked its lips, it mused and put his head on the edge of the water-trough. Its departure was exactly the opposite—quick, clumsy, abrupt like the speed of lightning.
2. . What ideas and
thoughts come to the poet's mind when he finds a poisonous snake drinking water
at his water trough?
Ans : After reaching his water trough on a very hot day, the poet finds a snake drinking water from his water trough. He waits for the snake to finish drinking water first
since he is very particular regarding protocol. The snake was brown in colour. The poet makes a frank confession that he really liked the snake but educational and social conventions make the poet think that the golden brown snakes were poisonous, so they must be killed. The inner instinct of the poet makes him feel honoured that a snake had come to seek his hospitality from the deep recesses of the earth.
Ans : After reaching his water trough on a very hot day, the poet finds a snake drinking water from his water trough. He waits for the snake to finish drinking water first
since he is very particular regarding protocol. The snake was brown in colour. The poet makes a frank confession that he really liked the snake but educational and social conventions make the poet think that the golden brown snakes were poisonous, so they must be killed. The inner instinct of the poet makes him feel honoured that a snake had come to seek his hospitality from the deep recesses of the earth.
3. Discuss about the
indecisive nature of the man in the light of the poem ‘Snake’.
4. Snake is a poem that
has a unique way of dealing with the moral consciousness of society’. Explain
the statement citing examples from the poem.
Dear Departed
Read the following extract carefully and answer the
questions that follow?
1. ‘And you, too. Are you
such a poor creature that you must do every dirty thing she tells you?” (2015)
a) who is the ‘poor
b) why is he/she being
called a ‘poor creature’?
c) Which word in the extract
is the opposite of ‘clean’?
Short Answer Type Questions
1. Why were Mr.
And Mrs. Jordan visiting the Slaters after so many years?
2. Henry says,
‘I suppose it’s in the family’. Why does Henry make this comment and what does
it reflect about the two sisters?
3.Why does Mr.
Abel Merryweather decide to make another will? What is the reactions of the
4.What are the
three things Grandpa plans to do on Monday (2011)
5. ‘My heart’s
fit to break when I see the little trifles that belonged to grandfather lying
around and think he’ll never use them again. Does Mrs. Slater really mean what
she says?
6. Mrs. Jordan
says that she has a feeling that father has not paid his insurance premium. How
does all react to it? (2016)
7. What does
the shifting of the bureau tell us about the character of Mrs. Slater? (2016)
Answer Type Question
1. In what way
is the play satirical? Comment on the nature of its characters.
grandfather had been living with his daughters turn by turn. What he needed was
only love but what he received was greed and loneliness. Keeping this in view,
write an article on ‘LUST is all GET...Love is all Give.(2014)
3.Even at the
time when the grandfather is supposedly dead, the sisters are trying to pull
each other down. With reference to the play, Dear Departed, mention the traits
that the sisters display. Do you approve of them? Give a reasoned answer?
1.Read the extract given below and
answer the following questions.
O, pardon me, thou bleeding piece of earth,
That I am meek and gentle with these butchers!
Thou art the ruins of the noblest man
That ever lived in the tide of times.
Woe to the hand that shed this costly blood!
a) Where is Antony at this time?
b) Why does Antony call Caesar’s body ‘thou bleeding piece of earth’?
c) How and when had Antony been ‘meek and gentle with these butchers’?
That I am meek and gentle with these butchers!
Thou art the ruins of the noblest man
That ever lived in the tide of times.
Woe to the hand that shed this costly blood!
a) Where is Antony at this time?
b) Why does Antony call Caesar’s body ‘thou bleeding piece of earth’?
c) How and when had Antony been ‘meek and gentle with these butchers’?
Short Answer Type Question
do you think Brutus spared Antony?
was a man of honor and noble character. Killing Caesar was a painful decision
for him. He was not a good judge of character so he believed what the
conspirators told him about Caesar. He loved Caesar but felt Rome was more
important. He did not want to kill Antony for no fault of his.
How did nature foretell Caesar’s death?
Why did Cassius not want Antony to speak on Caesar’s funeral?
Who killed Caesar and why?
What had Calpurnia seen in her dream?
How did Decius conclude Calpurnia’s dream?
7. How does Mark Antony instigate the mob?
Why had Brutus and other conspirators assassinated Caesar?
was Caesar’s Will?
Long Answer Type Question
How did Antony prove to be a better orator than Brutus?
Ans. He knew he could exploit the people by
arousing their feelings like sympathy and love.
was passionate and emotional.
Antony was a skilful orator and he
changed the mood of the mob by his skilful oratory. Vivekananda, also won over
the heart of English people by his wonderful speeches. Our words have great
power. So we should always think before we speak. A skilful orator has the
power to bring about a revolution. Comment
Vivekananda was a great orator.
Words have a lot of power.
Harsh words can cause a lot of pain.
Sweet words can heal the wounds.
A skilful orator can bring about a lot of transformation in the people.
Words should always please others.
We can change a situation in our favour with our skilful oratory.
And turn pre-ordinance and first decree into the law of children. Laws of
country are made for the betterment of the people of the country and to make
their lives easier. So, laws should be obeyed. But these days, laws are broken
causing a lot of disturbance everywhere. Do you feel laws are like paper tigers
which can be moulded as per the need? Discuss.
Yes, Laws are like paper tigers.
can be modified and changed.
People don’t respect laws.
female infanticide, child marriages still happen.
Low caste people still live in inhibition.
Drinking and driving is common. Govt. should strictly follow laws to curbs such
Laws are for the betterment of the society not for the disintegration of it.
What are determiners?
Determiners are the words which
are used before nouns to determine or fix their meaning.
1- Articles : a/an, the
2- Demonstrative adjectives :
this, that, these, those
3-Possessives :
my, our, your, his, her, its, their
4- Adjectives (Quantity &
Number) : some, any, much,
many, all, both,
little, few,several, less, one, two, etc.
5- Others :
each, every, next, another, either, either,
first, second , etc.
Additional information

(Oil,water, furniture, etc.)
Singular Plural
(Boy) (Boys)
1- Articles
![]() |
Indefinite Definite
Indefinite article (a/an)
1- Used before singular countable
2- Represents a class or kind in

(Every cow)
A- Used before singular
countable nouns beginning with consonant sound.
a one-eyed man, a unique place, a European, a University, a Mango etc.
An- Used before singular
countable nouns beginning with vowel sound.
an Indian, an hour, an umbrella, an honest boy (Mute ‘h’)
Definite article (the) – Used before both
countable and uncountable nouns.
1- When we talk about
something for the second time in the same context or anything qualified by a

(First time reference) (Second
time reference)

2- Used before superlatives
She is the tallest girl of the class.
3- Used before the names of
water bodies i.e. - rivers, seas, oceans
Ganges, the Arabian Sea, The Pacific ocean, etc.
Note: - Not used before the
names of lakes.

4- Used before the names of
mountain ranges.
The Himalayas

The Mount Everest
5- Used before the names of
satellites, planets, stars.
e.g. The moon, the earth, the sun
6- Used before the names of
monuments and memorials.
The Red Fort, the Taj Mahal
7- Used before the names of
states/countries that have a common noun in their name.
e.g. The Punjab, The Congo, the USA, the UAE, the
UNO, the UK
8- Used before the names of
e.g. The Ramayan, the Quran, the Guru Granth
sahib, The Bible
9- Used before the names of
newspapers, magazines.
e.g. The Times of India, the Competition
Success Review, The Reader’s Digest
10- Used before an adjective
when the noun is understood.

11- When proper noun used as
common noun.
is the Shakespeare of India.
great dramatist)
2- Demonstrative adjectives
This- to demonstrate nearby
That- to demonstrate far off
These- plural of ‘this’
Those- plural of ‘that’
These are used to show
e.g.- This book is mine.
That is his book.
4- Adjectives (Quantity & Number)/others
Before countable nouns(number)
Before uncountable nouns
Used in negative &
interrogative sentences
Little- hardly any
A little- Not much but
The little-Not much but all
that is
Few- hardly any
A few- not many but some
The few- all of them, but not
One, two, etc.
Cardinal numbers
Each, every
Either, neither
First, second, etc.
Ordinal numbers
Tense refers to the time at which
an action takes place.

Present Past Future
1- Indefinite
2- Continuous
3- Perfect
4- Perfect continuous
Additional information
1-Types of sentences:
1- Affirmative
2- Negative
3- Interrogative
Yes/No type
question word/Wh words type
4-Interrogative- Negative
i- Yes/No type
question word/Wh words type
2- Subject
1- Singular
2- Plural

3-Verb Helping
Auxiliaries Modals

4- Person Second (You)
(He, She, It, They)
Present tense:
1-Indefinite (Simple)
Hence forth-
MV- Main verb
HV- Helping verb
1- Habitual actions He gets up early in the
2- Scientific facts Water boils at 1000 Centigrade.
3- Universal facts/ General
truth The sun rises in the
Key- words: Daily, never, always
MV- I form (Plural Subject), I
form+ e/es(Singular Subject)- Affirmative sentences
HV- Do (Plural Subject)/Does
(Singular Subject)-Negative & Interrogative Sentences
NB- No ‘s/es’ with ‘ do/does’
(Progressive, Imperfect)
1- Action taking place at the
time of speaking.
I am teaching ‘The Rime of the Ancient Mariner’ by ST Coleridge at
2- Action continued over a
period of time in the present.
I am working on a science project
Key- words: Nowadays, at present,
these days etc.
MV- I form + ing
HV- Is, Am, Are
3- Perfect Tense
Just completed action.
have completed my homework just now.
Key- words: Recently, Just now
MV- III form
HV- Has (Singular Subject)/ Have
(Plural Subject)
4- Perfect Continuous
Action started somewhere in the
past but being done now.
have been living in Baroda for the last two years.
has been studying in this school for two years.
Key- words: Since, for
MV- I form + ing
HV- Has been (Singular Subject)/
have been (Plural Subject)
NB- Since- Point of time
For- Period of time
Past tense:
1-Past indefinite
Action done in remote past.
went to Mathura yesterday
did not go to Mathura yesterday.
Key- words: - yesterday, last etc.
MV- II form (Affirmative
HV- Did
NB- 1-HV ‘Did’ is used in negative
& interrogative sentences.
2- With HV ‘Did’, I form of MV.
2-Past Continuous
An action done progressively in
the past.
was working on a project, when I last visited him.
Key- words: those days, etc.
MV-I form + ing
HV- was, were
3-Past Perfect
An action completed in the past
before a said time or another action.

Earlier past
Key- words: before, when, as soon as etc.
MV- III form (earlier past) &
II form (Past)
HV- had (earlier past)
4-Past Perfect
An action being done continuously
for the said period in the past.
had been reading for two hours when I reached her house.
Key- words: since, for
MV- I form + ing
HV- had been
Future tense:
Future indefinite (Simple)
Refers to simple action which is
to take place.
will go to Surat tomorrow.
Key- words: tomorrow, next, coming
MV- I form
HV- will, shall (Modals)
NB- 1- Ist Person (I, We)
- shall
& IIIrd Person (You, He/ She, It, They)-will

2-Future Continuous
A progressive future action.
this time tomorrow, she will be doing her homework.
Key- words: tomorrow at this time
MV- I form + ing
HV- will, shall (Modals) + be
3-Future Perfect
Refers to an action which will be
completed at the said time in future.
e.g. I will have prepared
support material by Saturday.
Key- words: after, by, etc.
MV- III form
HV- will, shall (Modals) + have
4-Future Perfect
An action which will begin before
a definite time in the future and will just end up at that time or may continue
even after that.
I reach my school at 08:30 a.m tomorrow, the teacher will have been giving
remedial classes.
Key- words: - Since, for, after
three years, etc.
MV- I form + ing
HV- will, shall (Modals) + have
Tense Table
Active Voice
I form/I form +s/ es
(Affirmative sentences)
Do/does+ I form
( Negative/ Interrogative
II form (Affirmative sentences)
Did+ I form
( Negative/ Interrogative
+ I form
Is/ Am/ Are+ I form + ing
Was/were+ I form +ing
Will/shall + be+
I form + ing
Has/have + III form
Had +III form
Will/shall+ have +III form
Has/Have + been+ I form +ing+ since/for
Had+ been+ I form+ ing+
Will/shall +Have +been+ I form
+ing +since/for
Future Time Reference
1- By using ‘will/shall’
go to Agra tomorrow.
2- By using ‘Simple present
time does the match begin?
3- By using ‘Present
Continuous tense’
PM is leaving for America next week.
4- By using ‘Going to’ form.
am going to take bath.
5-By using ‘about to’ form,
train is about to come.

They always try an easy way.
He always tried an easy way.
(Limited by number, person &
time) (Not limited by number, person
& time)
(Finites) (Non-finites)
1- Participle:
Verb+ ing= adjective
Past III
form= adjective (function)
Computer is a calculating machine.
saw a crashed aircraft.
2- Gerund:
Verb+ ing= Noun (function)
Swimming is a good exercise.
3- to-infinitives to show purpose
I went to post a letter.
Give information about a person
or thing.
Who(whose, whom)
Inanimate things and animals
Persons and things
When we compare things, persons
and places.
Degrees of comparison:
1- Positive degree- No
comparison is made.
is a tall girl.
is a beautiful girl.
is junior to me.
2- Comparative degree- Comparison
between two.
Gayatri is taller than Lata.
is more beautiful than Maya.
3- Superlative degree- Comparison
between more than two.
is the tallest girl of class X B.
is the most beautiful girl of class X B.
1- Use of ‘than’ in comparative
2- Use of ‘to’ in comparative
3- Use of article ‘the’ in
superlative degree of comparison.
4- Formation of comparatives and
superlatives of double and more than
double syllable words i.e. beautiful.
Modals are the auxiliaries that are
used to convey special idea.
Modal Verbs
Ability, Permission(informal)
Past of ‘Can’
Possibility, Permission(Formal)
Past of ‘May’
Will &Shall
To express future time, to express
determination, promise and threatening, to make requests
Should, Ought to
Moral obligation, to express
Must, have to
Social obligation(
compulsion),duty, necessity
Used to
Past habit
7-Active and Passive
Used when work done is more prominent than the doer.
Active to Passive:
1- Change Object to Subject. (Refer noun case below)
2- Change the verb according to tense.
3- Change Subject to Object and add ‘by’ before it.
(Refer noun case below)
Additional information
Noun case
I Person
II Person
III person
Types of Objects
I teach you
1- What do I teach you?

2- Whom do I teach English?
Answer-You Indirect Object
Example: (Active to Passive voice)

A letter is
by me.
Passive Voice Tense
Is/am/are+ III form
Was/were+ III form
Will be/shall be+ III form
Is/am/are + being+ III form
Was/were+ being+ III form
Has/have + been +III form
Had + been +III form
Will/shall + have + been +III form
8-Reported Speech
Direct speech Reported
(Actual words of
speaker are quoted) (Words
of speaker are reported)

Reporting verb
reported speech
He asked me how I
Indirect/Reported speech
Steps to change direct
speech into reported speech:
1- Change the
reporting verb-according to type of sentence of reported speech.
2- Remove commas- use
conjunction- according to type of sentence of reported
3- Change the verb of
reported speech- according to tense of reporting verb.
4- Change the personal
pronouns in reported speech.
5- Always use full
stop (.) at the end.
Change of reporting verb
Reporting verb(said
to)changed to
Type of sentence
(reported speech)
Removal of commas (Conjunction
Type of sentence
(reported speech)
Conjunction used
i- yes/No type
ii- Wh-words type
Wh- word
i- Affirmative (
begins with I form)
ii- Negative (
begins with ‘Do not”
Not to
Changing the verb of reported
Verb (direct speech)
Verb (
reported/Indirect speech)
Reporting verb (Present/future
Verb (direct speech)
No change
Reporting verb (Past tense)
I form
II form
II form
Had+ III form
Had been +I form +
Must/had to
No change
No change
No change
Universal fact
No change
Changing the personal pronouns
I person- with the speaker
II person- with the listener
III person- No change
(Refer ‘noun case’
table for changing the personal pronouns)
Capsule -- Recapitulation of hints like reading
the phrases or group of words properly, making several groups of two words
relevant to each other reducing the blocks,counting the number of words without
missing any of them or adding any
1- First look
for the subject (Noun/ Pronoun).
2- Look for the
helping verb.
3- Look for the
Main Verb.
4- Look for the
object (direct & indirect).
5- Also look for
6- Arrange the
words in a meaningful sentence.
1. Look at the
words and phrases below. Rearrange them to form meaningful sentences. The first
one has been done as an example.
watermelon/thirst quenchers/in summers/is/one of the best.
One of the best
thirst quenchers in summers is the watermelon.
a- around/it
is/96 countries/cultivated in/the world.
b- in
Africa/about 5000 years/grown/ago/it was/first.
c- say that/at
the/it was grown/some researchers/same time/in India.
d- the
travellers/across a desert/it was/when they/used by/travelled.
It is cultivated in 96 countries around the world.
It was first grown in Africa about 5000 years ago.
Some researchers say that it was grown in India at the same time.
It was used by travellers when they travelled across a desert.
( a) water supply/they get/they eat/from/all their/the leaves
(a) inhabited//tree
leaves/so,/by koalas/in areas/of/is high/demand
(b) one
group/it takes/to support/several acres/of koalas/of trees
(c) can
eat/every day/each/one and a half kilograms/adult Koala/up to /of leaves
(a) They get all their water supply from the leaves they eat.
So, in areas inhabited by Koalas demand
of tree leaves is high.
It takes several acres of trees to
support one group of Koalas.
Each adult Koala can eat one and a half
kilograms of leaves every day.
Look at the words and phrases below. Rearrange them to form meaningful
no parallel/discipline/of any kind/has
go together/duties/should/discipline/and rights
equally important/should be/treated/for a/they/satisfying life
the other/or ignored/very bad/it will/if one/prove/overlaps
4. Rearrange the following to form
Peruvian foraging societies were already
chewing coca leaves 8,000 years ago foraging societies/Peruvian/8,000 years
ago/chewing coca leaves/were already
evidence/of chewed coca/in the northwestern Peru/and calcium richrocks/ruins.
(b) such rocks/to create lime,/would have
been burned/chewed with coca.
(c) contain a range/coca leaves coca
leaves/known as alkaloids/of chemical
(d) of the Incas/for medicinal purposes/of
coca leaves/the chewing/was a pastime
a) depicted/architecture of/has been/the Veena/about 500 A.D. /in temple
b) no takers/sadly/instruments/but/of all/this
c) to whom/there are/students/turn to/few/
can/exponents/the rare
d) subject in /it is/a subsidiary/ not
even/university curricula
a) paralytic attack/is/prolonged/main
cause/high/of/ blood pressure/the
b) tongue, lip, and the vocal cords/people
effected/can communicate/either with limbs/with a paralytic stroke
c) to answer/some can/their eyes/even blink
d) nervous system/to the voluntary/due to
extensive damages/is impossible/ but in a
even a small gesture
a) left me/my/city/parents/her/with/they/in /went/live/when/to/the
b) morning/to/wake/used/up /the/in/she/me
c) said/in a /prayers/sings
d) listened/ I /loved /I/ voice /because/her
8.The given paragraph,
are in jumbled form. Rearrange them to form meaningful sentences.
(a) A poor/suggest/in/career/failures/examinations
(b) Success/ in exams/is/in terms of/measured/secured/marks
(c) Youngsters / every year/ grieve/ and parents/over/failures
(d) Leaders / history/many/records/failures
(a) A poor/suggest/in/career/failures/examinations
(b) Success/ in exams/is/in terms of/measured/secured/marks
(c) Youngsters / every year/ grieve/ and parents/over/failures
(d) Leaders / history/many/records/failures
at the words and phrases below and rearrange them to form meaningful sentences.
(a) remain/anymore/Pepsi/the choice/on the campus/may not
(b) the soft drink / the Delhi University / is out / students union / to shake.
(c) on the / students/ North Campus / the Coke bottles / smashed / the
(d) ransacked / most / which / canteens / store / coke /were / and Pepsi
(e) The move / supported / the students / the teachers / and / have
(a) remain/anymore/Pepsi/the choice/on the campus/may not
(b) the soft drink / the Delhi University / is out / students union / to shake.
(c) on the / students/ North Campus / the Coke bottles / smashed / the
(d) ransacked / most / which / canteens / store / coke /were / and Pepsi
(e) The move / supported / the students / the teachers / and / have
at the words and phrases below and rearrange them to form meaningful sentences.
And a very / the king / named Acanthus /
talented sculptor / Pygmalion was /of Cyprus /of a village.
Pygmalion was the king of Cyprus and a very talented sculptor of a village named Acanthus
A. had finished/he smiled/when he / the ivory statue / of a beautiful woman/one day.
B. smile /at having found/it was/ the innocent/new and unique / of a child/ something
C. by the beauty/ that/to worship it /he was / falling down / he felt like / so impressed / on his knees/
of the statue.
D. that he / a masterpiece / and called / he realized / this beauty, / had created / Galatea.
E. was a devoted / to the goddess / he prayed / to breathe life / into it / of Aphrodite,/ since he /
F. to life and / married her / after the goddess/ his wish, / Pygmalion / Galatea came / granted him.
Pygmalion was the king of Cyprus and a very talented sculptor of a village named Acanthus
A. had finished/he smiled/when he / the ivory statue / of a beautiful woman/one day.
B. smile /at having found/it was/ the innocent/new and unique / of a child/ something
C. by the beauty/ that/to worship it /he was / falling down / he felt like / so impressed / on his knees/
of the statue.
D. that he / a masterpiece / and called / he realized / this beauty, / had created / Galatea.
E. was a devoted / to the goddess / he prayed / to breathe life / into it / of Aphrodite,/ since he /
F. to life and / married her / after the goddess/ his wish, / Pygmalion / Galatea came / granted him.
at the words and phrases below and rearrange them to form meaningful sentences.
the / is swimming / with tremendous / one sport / potential / country /
One sport in the country with tremendous potential is swimming.
(a) our/is/full of/talented swimmers/country /
(b) not / utilized / potential / fully / their / is /
(c) academic subjects / other activities / take precedence / over / in school /
(d) has done / the sport / the government / very little / to boost /
One sport in the country with tremendous potential is swimming.
(a) our/is/full of/talented swimmers/country /
(b) not / utilized / potential / fully / their / is /
(c) academic subjects / other activities / take precedence / over / in school /
(d) has done / the sport / the government / very little / to boost /
at the words and phrases below and rearrange them to form meaningful sentences.
in the / is swimming / with tremendous / one
sport / potential / country /
One sport in the country with tremendous potential is swimming.
(a) our / is / full of/ talented swimmers / country /
(b) not / utilized / potential / fully / their / is /
(c) academic subjects / other activities / take precedence / over / in school /
(d) has done / the sport / the government / very little / to boost /
One sport in the country with tremendous potential is swimming.
(a) our / is / full of/ talented swimmers / country /
(b) not / utilized / potential / fully / their / is /
(c) academic subjects / other activities / take precedence / over / in school /
(d) has done / the sport / the government / very little / to boost /
Look at the words and phrases below and rearrange them to form meaningful
fashion /has become /with/ eating out/ people/ today/ the.
Eating out has become a fashion with the people today.
1. by /relished /home cooked food/ no longer /the youngsters/ healthy/ is,
2 to /the popularity/ every corner/ junk food/ has led/ of/ eating joints/ around / of/ the opening
3. what / that /do not realize /we / be pleasing / may not be /to/ to /so/ our digestive system/ may/
the taste buds
Eating out has become a fashion with the people today.
1. by /relished /home cooked food/ no longer /the youngsters/ healthy/ is,
2 to /the popularity/ every corner/ junk food/ has led/ of/ eating joints/ around / of/ the opening
3. what / that /do not realize /we / be pleasing / may not be /to/ to /so/ our digestive system/ may/
the taste buds
14. Rearrange the words/ phrases such
that they form meaningful sentences.
(a) The line/tragic consequences/Sita/violated/and/faced
(b) Built/a model hut/has been/ in Parnasala
(c) And /has/it/of /life-sized figures/Sita, Rama/Lakshamana
(d) Are/to be/’of/on display /also/rocks/with/Sita and Rama/footprints/believed
(b) Built/a model hut/has been/ in Parnasala
(c) And /has/it/of /life-sized figures/Sita, Rama/Lakshamana
(d) Are/to be/’of/on display /also/rocks/with/Sita and Rama/footprints/believed
Read the passage carefully. Identify the
tense of passage.
Underline the error/identify the missing
Look for errors/missing words in the use
Ø Determiners
Ø Tenses/Verb
Ø Subject-verb
Ø Non-finites
Ø Relatives
Ø Connectors
Ø Comparatives
Ø Modals
Ø Prepositions
Ø Gender
Ø Number(singular-plural)
Easy Capsule --
Recapitulation of hints like reading the passage carefully,underlining the
error, looking for errors in the use of Preposition, Determiners, Tenses,
Modals, Connectors, Subject-verb agreement, Passive voice, Non-finite verbs
etc. and writing the correct answer in the space provided.
following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line.
Underline the error and write the incorrect word and the correction. The first
one has been done as an example.
word correction
Inactivity is
the greater cause of overweight greater greatest
days. People physical activity a-_________ __________
had decreased
these days. The main reason b-__________
is there are
many labour saving devices c-__________ __________
They does not
want to walk on foot. d-__________ __________
They spend
enough time sitting and e-__________ __________
television. Their excess weight f-__________ __________
make them sick
and they have to spend g-__________ __________
money in
medicine. h-__________ __________
Incorrect word correction
Inactivity is
the greater cause of overweight greater greatest
days. People physical activity a-people people’s
decreased these days. The main reason b-had has
there are many labour saving devices c-is
They does not
want to walk on foot. d-does do
They spend enough
time sitting and e-enough more
watch television.
Their excess weight f-watch watching
them sick and they have to spend g-make makes
money in
medicine. h-in on
following newspaper report has not been edited. There is one error in each
line. Underline the error and write the incorrect word and the correction.
word correction
three year old girl has rescued by the police a-_________ __________
last Tuesday.
She was kidnap by a neighbour b-__________ __________
due to ransom.
The mother c-__________ __________
inform the
police about the missing girl. d-__________ __________
a probe had
supervised by the DSP himself.
e-__________ __________
Greater than
fifty residents were questioned .f-__________ __________
Rohit , one of the residents of the
colony admit the crime and disclosed g-__________ __________
where the girl
was hiding h-__________ __________
Easy Capsule --
Recapitulation of hints like identifying the tense in which the given passage
has been written,looking for determiners,prepositions,connectors etc and
reading the passage carefully after answering.
Solved exercises
3. In the passage below one word has been omitted in
each line. Put a slash (/) where the word has been omitted. Write the missing
word in the space provided.
One thing we all must do to cooperate a- _______________
with police and pay heed to their advice. b-_______________
They warn us not touch unidentified, c-________________
unclaimed suspicious objects like transistors, d-________________
brief cases etc. we need watch out for e-________________
abandoned cars, scooters report the f-_________________
deatails such objects to the nearest police g-_________________
control room dialing 100. One should h-________________
not touch the objects till the bomb disposal squad
One thing we
all must do /to cooperate a-
With/ police and pay heed to their advice. b- the
They warn us not /touch unidentified, c- to
/unclaimed suspicious objects like transistors, d-and
brief cases etc. we need/ watch out for e-to
abandoned cars, scooters /report the f-and
details/ such objects to the nearest police g-of
control room/ dialing 100. One should h-by
not touch the objects till the bomb disposal squad
4. In the
passage below one word has been omitted in each line. Put a slash (/) where the
word has been omitted. Write the missing word in the space provided. The first
one has been done as an example.
The small town
was the at
foot of the
mountains. Most the a-_______________
people were
farmers. There traders also b-________________
in the town.
Though not rich were c-________________
happy contended.
At one d-________________
time the peace
broken by e-_________________
robberies. The people frightened f-_________________
The Mayor the
town called for g-________________
a meeting
discuss the matter. h-________________
In the passage given below, one word has been
omitted in each line. Write the missing word along with the word that comes
before and the word that comes after it in your answer sheet. Ensure that the
word that forms your answer is underlined as shown. (½x6=3 marks)
Egyptian pyramids served tombs for kings
served as tombs
and queens, but they also places of ongoing
religious activity. After a ruler died, his her
body carefully treated and wrapped to
preserve it a mummy. According to ancient
Egyptian belief, the pyramid, the mummy
was placed, provided a place the monarch
to pass into the afterlife.
6. In the passage given below, one word has been
omitted in each line. Write the missing word along with the word that comes
before and the word that comes after it in your answer sheet. Ensure that the
word that forms your answer is underlined as shown. (½x8=4 marks)
English is / useful language. The people
is a useful
who speak English today make the
largest speech community the world.
A speech community is similar other
kinds communities. The people who
form speech community share a common
language. Often they live side side as
they in a neighbourhood, a village or a city.
More often form the whole country.
7. The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction in your answer sheet as given below against the correct blank number. Remember to underline the word you have supplied. The first one has been done for you. [8 × 1/2= 4 marks]
The house on which we were to live e.g. on in
was in one end of the village. (a) _________ _________
It was hiding behind a screen of (b) _________ ________
mango and orange tree and bushes (c) _________ _________
of hibiscus full from enormous (d) _________ _________
scarlet flowers. The house were adequate (e) _________ ________
without be luxurious, We had just finished (f) _________ _________
unpacking when they were greeted by the (g) _________ _________
housekeeper which name was Paula. (h) _________ _________
8. The following passage has not been
edited. There is one word missing in each line. Write the missing word along
with the word that comes before and one that comes after it in your answer
sheet against the correct blank number. The first one has been done as an
example. Ensure that the word which forms your answer is underlined. [4]
For migrating animals, setting at setting off at
the right time is just important (a) ______________________
as,- ending up the right place. (b) ______________________
Their timing amazingly precise. (c)______________________
Cuckoos, example, nearly always (d) ______________________
arrive Britain during the (e) _____________________
second third week of April. (f) ______________________
To do this, use an inbuilt 'body (g) ______________________
clock' keeps time by changing length of days (h) ______________________
For migrating animals, setting at setting off at
the right time is just important (a) ______________________
as,- ending up the right place. (b) ______________________
Their timing amazingly precise. (c)______________________
Cuckoos, example, nearly always (d) ______________________
arrive Britain during the (e) _____________________
second third week of April. (f) ______________________
To do this, use an inbuilt 'body (g) ______________________
clock' keeps time by changing length of days (h) ______________________
Gap filling
Capsule -- Recapitulation of hints like reading
the paragraph as a whole, forming a general idea about the paragraph and the
tense of the paragraph and the tense paragraph, usually filling up with articles,
prepositions, modals, verbs, nouns, relative pronouns, adjectives, conjunction,
auxiliary, pronouns or determiners and finally removing ambiguity if any.
Ø Read
the passage carefully and form a general idea.
Ø Mind
the tense of the paragraph.
Ø Check
for subject-verb agreement
Fill in the
blanks with the most appropriate option from those given below.
the passage given below choosing the correct alternatives: ½ x 8 = 4 marks
was rocked by its (a) ------ earthquake in more than a year today, but escaped
(b) ----- little damage because it (c) ------ centered far beneath the floor of
the Pacific Ocean .The quake (d) -------- struck shortly before noon with a
magnitude of 6.6 ,(e) -------- large buildings sway back and forth . The
intense (f) ----- for about one minute caught people (g) -------- guard in
Tokyo and other cities (h) ------- east.
(a) 1
big (b) 1 from (c 1 is (d) 1 who
2bigger 2 by 2
was 2 whom
3 biggest 3 with 3 has 3 whose
4 very big 4 for 4 have 4 which
(e) 1 make (f) 1 shake (g) 1in (h) 1 to
2 made 2 shaker 2 on 2 towards
3 send 3 shaking 3 of 3 for
4 sent 4shook 4 off 4 forward
(a) biggest
(b) with (c) was (d) which
(e) made
(f) shaking (g) off (h)
fruit farms fruits are picked before they are fully ripe for otherwise they (a)
----- become overripe or decay (b) ------ reaching customers. Fruit picked too
young (c)---------- never ripen. It’s a problem to predict whether a certain
fruit will ripen (d) ------- not. Now a scanner has (e)--------- developed
which can predict those fruits (f) ------- ultimately will ripe so that farmer
(g) ------- sort out future fruits from the too-green .The scanner works (h)
---- a ripeness predictor.
1 must (b) 1 while (c) 1 will (d) 1 and
2 shall 2 after 2 are 2 or
3 may 3 when 3 being 3 but
4 should 4 before 4 were 4 so
1 being (f) 1 who (g) 1 can (h) 1 for
2 been 2 whom 2 need 2 by
3 be 3 that 3 dare 3 so
4 was 4 whose 4 shall 4 as
(a) -------------- (b) ----------- (c)
---------------- (d) -----------------
(e) -------------- (f) ----------- (g) ---------------- (h) ------------------
is a (a) ------- in the lens of the eye. Today, modern (b) -------- advances
have made cataract surgery very successful. The cause of the cataract (c)
------ are not fully known. It is basically (d) -------- ageing phenomenon
.Next to old age (e) -------- other factors like deficiency of food like
proteins (f) -------- vitamins ,some toxic drugs and general diseases
(g)--------- diabetes ,infections and injuries. Nourishing diet rich (h)
-------- proteins and vitamins can delay the onset of cataract.
(a) 1
opaque (b) 1 medicine (c) 1 forming (d) 1 a
opaqued 2 medicinal 2 formed 2 an
opaqueness 3 medical 3 forms 3 the
opacity 4 medicated 4 formation 4 some
(e) 1 is (f) 1 or (g) 1 like (h) 1 at
2 was 2 and 2 so 2 on
3 are 3 but 3 as 3 with
4 were 4 so 4 such 4 in
ANS: (A) ---------
(b) ------ (c) ------ (d)
(e) ---------- (f) ------- (g) ------ (h) -------
invited(a).......... of our friends over to our house for a barbecue. We had
done(b)....... of the prepareation the day before only. All of us enjoyed
(c) .............. lot.
Savita has lost the (a)............... pens she had. Now she has spent the
(b).............. money she had on buying more. So she is giving
(c).............. worried look.
There are so .(a).................. ways of entertainment in life. (b)
............................circus is one of the most entertaining media. Last
Sunday(c) ....................... of
(d).......................friends went to see the Diamond circus. My
uncle took us there.(e). ............... one paid for(f) .....................
Yesterday I ................(receive) a phone call that my
father.................(be) unwell. I ............ (book) a ticket online and
............(leave) for Amritsar. On the way, I ................ (meet) a young
man who ...............(offer) me some biscuits.
Tomorrow I (go)........... for an entrance test at BB public School. If I
(clear)............... that test, I (be)...................get a job in an MNC
called Satian. There (be).................. five thousand candidates for that
job. I (work)............... very hard for that test. Let’s see what (happen)
Mohan distributed the sweets(a).......................Ram and Shyam. Shyam is
fond (b)........... sweets but Ram is not. Ram eats Chocolates which are made
(c)................milk. He says that Chocolate is superior
(d)..................... sweets. He is addicted (e)............... chocolate
milk. Most of the boys prefer chocolate (f)..................... sweets.
10 To
me, (a)........... recent odd-even car use ruling in Delhi is (b)
................... watershed. It doesn’t address (c)..............
environmental issues that it seeks to ad
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