Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Data interpretation

This form of writing is used to interpret the facts presented in the form of table, graph or chart. A graph or chart is a visual stimulus to depict the data. Data interpretation requires an analysis and comparison of the given facts and drawing conclusions based on the given data.

Things to keep in mind
1.      Read and understand the topic that is dealt with
2.      Analyze the trends, figures and informations that are given for interpretation.
3.      You may use phrases like declining, sudden increase, gradual change, etc to show changes in pattern/trends.
4.      To show contrast, you may use phrases like on the other hand, on the contrary, in contrast etc.
5.      To show similarity use words/phases like similarly, simultaneously, like etc.
6.      Use comparatives and superlatives
7.      Give brief introduction and conclusion
8.      Be concise, clear and logical in your writing.
9.      Avoid repetition of words and information.
10.  Maintain grammatical accuracy, punctuation, subject-verb agreement and article.
11.  Keep the word limit.(100 words)


The following data in the form of histogram shows that death due to violence
has increased considerably during recent years. Write its interpretation in 100
words on how educated youth can play a major role in establishing peace in

Role of youth in establishing peace in society
Youth and peace are interlinked in society. Youth can play an important role in
establishing peace in society. In a survey conducted, it has been found that number
of deaths due to violence has increased enormously since the nineties. Death rate in
1000s was 2.5 in 1990. But in 2010, it has increased to 7.5. It is really very sad. It
must be checked.
Our youth can play a major role in controlling this crime graph. They can contribute
towards establishing peace in many ways. They can awaken the people towards the
necessity of peace. They can help the police in catching the criminals. They can
bring the criminals in the main stream by educating them and they can do much